Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [to-vb] the whole " in BNC.

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1 The government says the changes are interim measures and it intends to reconsider the whole question of the treatment of earnings received by people on unemployment benefit .
2 The government says the changes are interim measures and it intends to reconsider the whole question of the treatment of earnings received by people on unemployment benefit .
3 The government says the changes are interim measures and it intends to reconsider the whole question of the treatment of earnings received by people on unemployment benefit .
4 it tends to elongate the whole process .
5 Otherwise it tends to make the whole picture , like , I went to er er one club once and there was a very nice portrait , not unlike this , there was a girl sitting on a stool , rather less clothes on than this girl has got and it was very nicely done except she was sitting on a painted stool and all the paint was chipped and that to me looked really tacky !
6 But you were too young to realise just how much work you have to put in at that stage of building up a business , how much effort it takes to hold the whole thing together and stop it from collapsing around you . ’
7 How long it takes to complete the whole block of letters is measured .
8 It seems to epitomise the whole range of values and ideas that have taken me there in the first place .
9 Pray for Tear Fund as it seeks to bring the whole Gospel into lives which have been shattered by famine , war and disaster .
10 Even the article ‘ Conductor ’ in the New Grove dictionary of opera is , unfortunately , misleading : for all its caution , it attempts to paint the whole period from 1750 to Napoleon , and in doing so unjustifiably reinforces certain impressions we recall from the powerful pens of the Encyclopedists :
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