Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [adj] to say that " in BNC.

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1 It sounds terrible to say that you are still looking for cigarettes , ’ he said .
2 It sounds fantastic to say that one can be enamoured of a season , but that is something like what happened : and , as before , the experience was one of intense desire .
3 It sounds promising to say that these sentences stand to wonderings and wishes very much as factual statements stand to beliefs .
4 ‘ I know it sounds bizarre to say that when someone has made an awful lot of money and had a lot of fame and adulation , but you can wreck their minds , you can wreck their self-ego and esteem by giving them the whole wrong picture of themselves by pretending they are good at one thing when they are not and boosting other things .
5 Whatever the disagreements , it seems reasonable to say that the period circa 1890–1914 witnessed ‘ an unprecedented advance of machine technique and of mechanisation generally and automatism in particular ’ .
6 The lay subsidy rolls of the fourteenth century yield much information on the subject of bynames and surnames for all categories of persons , and in many cases it seems true to say that such names were not necessarily applied to whole families nor ( given that they appear in different forms in successive rolls ) can they be judged to have stabilized .
7 But on the whole it seems true to say that the minors and the ladies were at their lord 's disposal , and that they had little chance of resisting what he did ; but that none the less the lords were limited by custom , and even a king would be expected to consult his counsellors when he disposed of an heiress , as Henry I promised to do in his coronation charter .
8 But it seems safe to say that there are circumstances in which litost and glasnost can be recognised as enemies , and that this enmity can be recognised in the novel Life is elsewhere .
9 Extreme reductionism is usually a sign of restricted outlook and it seems safe to say that sociobiology will not remain long in so puritanical a stage .
10 But , until Pyongyang opens up ( and the suppression of a plot against the ‘ blood-line of the Party ’ in February 1991 , suggests not everyone welcomes the prospect of Kim Jong II taking over ) , it seems safe to say that Romania under Ceauşescu ( like Iraq under Saddam ) had one of the most inbred political élites in the modern world .
11 In retrospect it seems obvious to say that the laying of burr veneers onto any substrate is temperature sensitive but that is being wise after the event .
12 In general it seems fair to say that rather fewer Zuwaya were concerned with freedom of speech or opinion than with the threats to economic independence , which in their view was more closely bound up with identity and belonging .
13 Difficult as it is to summarize so majestic a body of work as that produced by Hailey in the days when he reigned supreme as the Colonial Office 's oracle on Africa , it seems fair to say that the main impression to be derived from it is of his anxiety to avoid committing the British government to any course of action which might prove to be irreversible .
14 Nevertheless , it seems fair to say that by the 1530s social grievances were again being voiced to an extent that they had not been in the previous century .
15 At the same time it seems fair to say that until recently , writing about Proust , particularly perhaps in England , but in France , too , has concentrated too much and too exclusively on the social element in the dualism , has concentrated too much , if you like , on the nose and the beard .
16 Here it seems hard to say that the party seeking to rely on the exemption clause is contracting on his own written standard terms .
17 It remains first to say that neither Marxism , nor Empirical Socialism in the Webbs ' versions of it , anticipated Keynes 's General Theory of Employment , Interest and Money .
18 However , it remains true to say that there is only one scenic mosaic in the east before c- .
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