Example sentences of "it [is] difficult [to-vb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The auditing profession er argues , and I must say the audit practice board 's er er proposals are very , for very passive auditing , the audit profession argues that it 's difficult to detect fraud but on the other hand er the local government er act er local government finance act of nineteen eighty two requires local authority auditors to have er er er a duty to search for unlawful acts and report on them .
2 It 's difficult to take adultery seriously if you 're not getting much pleasure out of it . ’
3 It 's difficult to separate INSET from the rest of teaching .
4 it 's difficult to keep track of all the products that can be sniffed
5 Their two main disadvantages are that they can discolour with time unless an ultra-violet light stabiliser is incorporated in the plastic , and that it 's difficult to fit security devices to them ( make sure good locks are fitted as standard by the manufacturer and frames are strengthened ) .
6 Their two main disadvantages are that they can discolour with time unless an ultra-violet light stabiliser is incorporated in the plastic , and it 's difficult to fit security devices to them ( so make sure good locks are fitted as standard ) .
7 It 's difficult to write report procedures that will not run .
8 Already there may be an awareness that , once started , it is difficult to stop drinking .
9 But it is difficult to draw sound conclusions from it , because ‘ problem families ’ need to be studied alongside ‘ normal families ’ and ‘ successful families ’ if we are to understand how they differ .
10 It is difficult to divide Business Studies courses so clearly .
11 I have explained why it is difficult to use laboratory experiments and controlled trials in social research except in the cases of narrowly focused psychological studies .
12 In section 265 , for example , terms such as ‘ domiciled , ’ ‘ personally present , ’ ‘ ordinarily resident , ’ have had attributed to them , both in the context of bankruptcy and in that of civil procedure generally , a wealth of refined construction which it is difficult to suppose Parliament did not intend equally to apply when those words were used in the Act of 1986 .
13 For some it is difficult to acknowledge love until they are sure they are loved in return .
14 When there are few clear , constant priorities , it is difficult to hold management to account for its actions .
15 It is difficult to join monomode fibre because the tiny cores must be accurately aligned .
16 It is difficult to describe life in a large mentally handicapped hospital to people who have never seen one , which is most people .
17 It is difficult to control money supply , and impossible to control it precisely .
18 However , it is difficult to control pore size and distribution .
19 It is difficult to record colour objectively : people 's appreciation of colours obviously vary and , in any case , Nucella does not exist in discrete colour morphs .
20 Given employers ' lack of knowledge about qualifications and the relatively arbitrary way in which they use them , it is difficult to give credence to the widespread notion that they are dissatisfied with the educational levels of young workers .
21 The Evangelicals usually honoured Cranmer , but Macaulay did not , writing , somewhat unfairly , ‘ The sanguinary intolerance of a man who then wavered in his Creed excites a loathing to which it is difficult to give vent without calling foul names . ’
22 It is difficult to feed hay from a rick so covered because the shape is constantly changing and the top can not be kept convex .
23 Though because of small expected frequencies it is difficult to demonstrate significance , the specialist team seemed more likely to provide an alternative service than the generic team .
24 This may offer some protection , although it is difficult to disinfect plastic and is no substitute for sterile works .
25 It is difficult to assess market value particularly in relation to goodwill ; much time can be spent in arguing about the measure of damages when the parties ought to simply concentrate on establishing whether or not the breach occurred .
26 But on the whole they are expensive and because the RS-232 link communications is slow , it is difficult to take advantage of a GUI environment .
27 However , we still find many cases where it is difficult to explain tonic placement in terms of ‘ importance ’ or ‘ information ’ .
28 He says it is difficult to sustain solidarity here : the daily attrition of labour , exhaustion and hunger undermine the will of even the most committed .
29 Energy efficiency drives became popular following the oil price rises in the 1970s , and more recently in 1990 , but energy efficiency is a rather dull topic and it is difficult to sustain interest .
30 It is not easy to give a friend a ride in a wheelbarrow , because of the problems of balance , and it is difficult to carry sand and soil on a trolley with low or slatted sides .
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