Example sentences of "it [was/were] agree that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This illustrates the need for effective skills training , but it was agreed that such training had to be voluntary and should provide some incentive to encourage unemployed people to take it up .
2 It was noted that large stocks of the Haler text book ( still selling well ) existed and after discussion it was agreed that two pallet loads held in store should be destroyed , leaving a stock of approximately 1000 .
3 As a matter of procedure , it was agreed that all the monitoring and control components of the model would be given the suffix ‘ .1 ’ , whereas all other components would be numbered in a convenient order , ie depending on their place in the diagram , rather than annotated to indicate a logical sequence of events .
4 It was agreed that all patients under 16 years of age , and injuries resulting from deliberate self-harm would be seen by a doctor .
5 It was agreed that all transmission of film material will be in a progressive scan format from launch of services .
6 In respect of the control of capital movements , the Community made a very significant breakthrough in 1988 when it was agreed that all restrictions on such movements between residents in different member states should be removed by July 1990 .
7 It seemed a good idea at the time , and it was agreed that all the shareholders would get an instrument of any description .
8 It was agreed that individual members should contact the CD group with comments by 15 April .
9 On Aug. 10 it was agreed that five minesweepers would leave for the eastern Mediterranean , but their deployment in the Gulf was ruled out .
10 Real progress was made at the UN-sponsored talks on Afghanistan in May 1986 since it was agreed that Soviet troop withdrawals should begin simultaneously with the cessation of external interference and not after it as Soviet officials had previously insisted .
11 To meet concern about the extent of borrowing by the Soviet Union , it was agreed that Soviet borrowings could not exceed 6 per cent , i.e. the proportion of Soviet capital involvement in the fund .
12 It was agreed that regional staff of several disciplines would need to be seconded or appointed to ‘ spearhead the closures ’ , while the routine meetings between the management teams of the region and the districts could be used to discuss details of implementation .
13 It was agreed that 75 per cent of the Italian government 's credits to the former Soviet Union granted in 1990 , which had been delayed from December [ see p. 38656 ] , would go to Russia .
14 It was agreed that similar events should be planned in France and Italy .
15 It was agreed that better scientific use should be made of the living collections .
16 It was agreed that systematic use should be made of the words ‘ safety ’ , ‘ security ’ ( a word Labour was believed to be fond of and which might therefore be turned to advantage ) , and ‘ support ’ .
17 It was agreed that annual Arab League summit meetings would be held , with the first to be in Cairo in November 1990 .
18 A second round of exploratory talks was held in the Chinese capital on Nov. 17 , when it was agreed that Japanese restrictions on travel to North Korea would be lifted by April 1991 .
19 It formed part of a package including a 6 per cent pay rise over one year beginning on June 1 , supplemented by one-off payments to cover April and May , and it was agreed that 18 per cent of the workers in a plant would be allowed to volunteer to work a 40-hour week in the interests of flexibility .
20 As there was no meeting of minds to the interpretation of the Labour Court Recommendation it was agreed that both the Banks and IBOA should revert to the parties who sought the clarification of the Labour Court Recommendation i.e. Kevin Duffy of Irish Congress of Trade Unions and Turlough O'Sullivan of I.B.E.C. ( formerly FIE ) .
21 Finally it was agreed that both should get down at the same moment .
22 It was agreed that these would be discussed by a new joint working group on foreign policy issues .
23 It was agreed that these would be made available to the relevant political bodies and the public for consultation and amendment .
24 It was agreed that some of the concerns raised in the survey were matters for education authorities to address — for example in terms of resourcing , staffing and staff development .
25 On the other side , to mollify France , it was agreed that British participation in the revamped body would involve the stationing of British troops in West Germany unless a majority of its partners consented to their withdrawal ; however , Britain reserved the right to do so if an emergency situation elsewhere demanded a redeployment of its military forces .
26 It was agreed that another meeting should be called to launch a civil rights body and this took place on 29 January 1967 .
27 In the beginning it was agreed that any British athlete in the top four would come forward for interview .
28 In terms of the revenue output it 's a hundred and forty three thousand below the estimates and it was agreed that any variations would be carried over into next year .
29 It was agreed that any club invited to the Glenfiddich will be paired with a local side to allow them to play the fixture in midweek either before or after the trip to Glasgow .
30 Also , how unemployed people were presented in the media was criticised ; however it was agreed that this image was merely a reflection of the views of the Tory government .
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