Example sentences of "it [vb past] [prep] the table " in BNC.

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1 There were also places to eat if you fancied ( a ) a very expensive hamburger , ( b ) authentic Austrian cuisine , if you did n't mind the creaking Or lederhosen as you ate , and ( c ) high quality Japanese food , some of it dead before it got to the table , if you had all day .
2 It crept towards the table where breakfast was laid , and it had the demeanour of a creature that was n't loved and yet must survive .
3 It stopped near the table and bowed , putting its small gloved hands into the opposing cuffs of its robe .
4 He swung it in a glittering arc , and it sliced through the table as though it were butter , carving its way through the heavy wood and jarring his arm , striking sparks off the stone floor .
5 The cup broke because it fell off the table .
6 Slowly , it slid across the table .
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