Example sentences of "it [modal v] seem that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At first sight it might seem that Urban was hardly in a position to provide it ; he was without military resources of his own , and depended on such allies as he had to defend him against the Emperor Henry IV , who still refused to recognize him as pope .
2 At first sight it might seem that workers clearly gained from the onset of overaccumulation .
3 If women were much more likely than men to be in low status jobs , and if female employees almost never went absent from work , it might seem that people doing low status jobs were no more likely or even less likely than others to absence .
4 Indeed , it would seem that members of the same family who quarrel in the garden may be guilty of the offence .
5 It would seem that students need something in the way of formal instruction as well as acquisition by natural exposure and engagement .
6 Most operators see this as an accounting nicety , but it would seem that BT is taking the directive much further , using it as the basis for building its business strategy for the next millennium .
7 Since those cases were decided there have been many scientific advances and it would seem that chances of establishing whether or not there are causal relationships between the act alleged to be negligent and the damage alleged to have been suffered as a consequence are better now than formerly .
8 And it would seem that physiologists — working within the common-sense assumptions that we experience the world because it impinges upon our bodies and that what we experience is what , directly or indirectly , impinges on our bodies in the form of transferred energy — have made considerable progress in explaining how ‘ the diversity of working produceth the diversity of experience ’ .
9 From this it would seem that Kuhn is a rationalist specifying a universal criterion with respect to which the relative merits of theories can be assessed , namely , problem solving ability .
10 But from his identifying a person 's body as it appears to that person with that person 's ‘ introspected self ’ , it would seem that Mace can not mean what is ordinarily meant by the former phrase .
11 The conditions for a girl friendly school may be more difficult to bring about , for it would seem that teachers must be openly and visibly concerned about equality before pupils will change their choices ; schools with traditional norms , limited or formal communication channels , and with few women in senior positions will be much slower to adapt to changed female expectations .
12 Although there was no meeting with William , it would seem that Victoria did use her influence , as is clear from a letter which she wrote to the Empress after her visit .
13 As far as the structure of the Gospel is concerned , it would seem that Mark 's purpose in the opening chapter is to show that :
14 ‘ From our point of view , it would seem that girls adapt extremely well to post primary education .
15 It would seem that groupings of authorities and academic institutions which are geographically close have much to recommend them in terms of the potential savings on travelling expenses , and this is clearly also true in terms of projects for the creation of teaching materials which need to bring together a number of practitioners from different schools on a regular basis .
16 Consequently it would seem that UITF Consensus No 3 does not apply .
17 It would seem that Caspar Weinberger — apparently a strange choice on grounds of achievement — would be a useful contact in the lucratively immoral world of weapons research .
18 Yet it would seem that Lenin well understood the kind of mediation that would be required between bureaucracy and the working class and that this is shown by his emphasis on the need to prevent the bureaucracy emerging under socialism as the privileged social stratum it had been under capitalism .
19 When asked on one occasion what he considered Truth to be , it would seem that Gandhi interpreted the question as a request for information as to how he came to know Truth .
20 However , it would seem that Greg Martin , your mother 's companion when the yacht was lost , has been fooling us these past twenty years .
21 So it would seem that children may assist one parent to care for the other who might otherwise go into a home , but apart from this they have to residential homes for some while caring for and thus avoiding the admission of others , and that these two influences cancel each other out in the statistics .
22 In order to draw this out of him , he wrote a vastly elaborate commentary on the Lay , softening the blow of his harsher criticisms by inventing the personae of a whole group of scholarly editors who are debating the text in the way that scholars have disputed over Homer or Beowulf It would seem that Tolkien took a great deal of notice of Lewis 's invented editors , for he rewrote his Kay and incorporated a high proportion of their emendations .
23 Leaving aside for the moment differences in personal qualities and skills , which may or may not vary with the curriculum , it would seem that graduates who can offer both expertise and ability are in the strongest employment position , those who offer either one or the other may also find a job niche , but that those who offer neither are worst off .
24 It would seem that Harwood 's product might face the same difficulties .
25 It would seem that Miller can not have been on amicable terms with the gardeners there , otherwise he would have made a point of a visit then .
26 ‘ But it would seem that Andropulos was n't either . ’
27 It would seem that God expects her efforts towards meeting her partner 's needs to be channelled into this attitude of respect , even though there will obviously be times when it will be difficult .
28 In order to make sense of a self that has ‘ survived ’ both discourses of colonialism it would seem that Bhimji 's strategy has been one of intense resourcefulness , gathering in herself and her experiences .
29 It would seem that Tzar Alexander was sincere in in his er in his notions of christian brotherhood and principles .
30 So it would seem that people in homes where they were free to have a doctor of their own choice were not seen as being more deprived of visits in spite of having fewer of them than people in homes where everyone had the same doctor .
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