Example sentences of "to be elected by the " in BNC.

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1 Six of the latter were to be elected by the two Irish universities .
2 That is why at any meeting of the council of a London borough when the mayor is absent a chairman has to be elected by the council to preside at the meeting .
3 Its prince was to be elected by the Bulgarians , confirmed by Turkey with the assent of the powers , and was to belong to none of the great reigning houses of Europe .
4 The Shidlovsky Commission summoned representatives to be elected by the major factories of the capital .
5 Although both the BCP and the UDF were in agreement in principle over the election of a head of state , the UDF wanted the President to be elected by the future Grand National Assembly , whereas the BCP wanted the President to be elected directly , at the same time as the forthcoming parliamentary elections .
6 Unlike in Slovenia , there was no separate direct election for the Croatian President , who was instead to be elected by the Croatian Assembly .
7 Amendments were also approved permitting the creation of a post of President , to be elected by the People 's Great Hural , with the task of co-ordinating the work of the two Hurals .
8 At the same time , voting would take place for one-quarter of the seats in the Little Hural , the remainder to be elected by the members of the Great Hural .
9 The Russian Federation had a new two-tier legislative structure like that of the central Soviet adminstration , with a Congress of People 's Deputies and a bicameral Supreme Soviet to be elected by the Congress from among its members [ see also p. 36978 ] .
10 The Constitution provided for a single-chamber legislature , the Grand National Assembly ( GNA ) , first elected in November 1983 , and for an executive President , to be elected by the Assembly for a seven-year term and with wide-ranging powers .
11 The BNP was also expected to take at least 28 of the 30 reserved seats for women , to be elected by the Jatiya Sangsad in April .
12 The delegates also agreed that ( i ) during this interim period , President César Gaviria Trujillo should rule by decree aided by a committee of 18 to be elected by the Assembly on July 2 ; ( ii ) current government ministers and delegates of the Constituent Assembly would be barred from running for office ; and ( iii ) congressmen serving three or four consecutive terms would , in the future , be declared ineligible for further office but this norm would not be retroactive .
13 One proposal was for a new head of state to be elected by the National Assembly , but under an alternative plan the National Assembly would elect a Presidium , the chair of which would also assume the post of head of state .
14 He rejected a proposal to hold a national conference , emphasizing that " the sovereign conference will be the parliament to be elected by the Angolan people " .
15 According to the new constitution , the Federal President ( to be elected by the legislature ) and Prime Minister might not be from the same republic .
16 The ANC argued that the decision should be left to the constituent assembly itself , which is expected to be elected by the middle of next year by universal franchise .
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