Example sentences of "to be replaced by [art] " in BNC.

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1 After Brunnhilde throws herself on to the pyre Valhalla comes to an end , to be replaced by a new era of human love .
2 state welfare to be replaced by a scheme of payments and vouchers ;
3 He , and others like him , were answered by Rousseau , who argues that the social contract which established private property was really the origin of exploitation and had to be replaced by a new social contract .
4 The Lights are a shimmering green waterfall that grows in intensity , then dies slowly to be replaced by a separate show in another part of the sky .
5 But this sophisticated attempt to deal with exhibitor resistance to British films was ruled illegal by the US Justice Department in 1946 and had to be replaced by a less ambitious system , in which Rank 's films were sold on their merits .
6 Mr Dienstbier said the new Prime Minister , Mr Marian Calfa , did not yet appear to be a ‘ strong and flexible politician ’ , and indicated he would be acceptable in the post only on condition that President Gustav Husak step down , to be replaced by a non-Communist head of state .
7 The grade two listed buildings on the Mappin and Webb site opposite the Mansion House are to be replaced by a single new building comprising offices , shops , a restaurant and a pub .
8 Supplementary Benefit was to give way to Income Support and the much-abused system of single payment was to be replaced by a Social Fund ; Housing Benefit was to be reformed so that it did not discriminate against the low-paid in work ; and the whole social security system was to be simplified .
9 Among the benefits to be abolished was the Death Grant , to be replaced by a system which gave full help to families who needed it and none to those who did not .
10 ‘ The borders might be going down but only to be replaced by a vast amount of new paperwork .
11 The CEN Technical Committees 116 and 117 which have been working on the creation of European Standards for bituminous sheeting and single-ply membranes have recently been disbanded to be replaced by a new Technical Committee , CEN TC 254 , which will prepare European Standards on waterproofing sheeting used in building and civil engineering works .
12 The pain in Corbett 's head subsided only to be replaced by a growing sense of nausea as the ship rocked and rolled on the water .
13 This cost should be off-set by the savings , estimated at £450m in the years to 1996 ( it should be remembered that the current single market arrangements are intended to be replaced by a tax system based purely on the country of origin , to be introduced in 1997 , subject to the unanimous agreement of EC member states ) .
14 The love of God , the war with the Devil , and many of the earlier incarnational theories of atonement ( which we will see in a moment ) fell away to be replaced by a story of God 's wrath and its appeasement by Christ 's death .
15 ‘ You have perfectly adequate protection , Colonel , ’ he said in his infuriatingly soft tone of voice , the abrasive Scots edge he could so easily manage gone to be replaced by a soothing , British unflappability .
16 But the smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown when she had to go into dinner herself — and sit next to her husband .
17 All these they wished to sweep away , to be replaced by a form of worship dominated by the sermon and by improvised prayers offered by the minister .
18 MAMMA Mia Morse — you 're about to be replaced by a roly-poly cop who can scoff a cannelloni faster than you can sink a pint .
19 The answer is that they will become superfluous , to be replaced by a new prototype that looks remarkably like a rugby league player .
20 The tired and weak Fourth Republic had finally collapsed in 1958 , to be replaced by a Fifth Republic headed by Charles de Gaulle , whose nationalist prejudices were already well-known .
21 In the case of an establishment which had been designated as a hospital , the medical officer was to be replaced by a medical superintendent and the master by a steward .
22 Almost all politicians thought Giuliano Amato 's scandal-battered four-party coalition had to be replaced by a broader-based one .
23 With the changing balance of power between the working and middle class , it is suggested that we have witnessed the destruction of traditional codes which have yet to be replaced by a similarly coherent new set :
24 The success of the one-off rally prolonged the life of the movement and although it kept its basically evangelical outlook for a couple of years , Roy Wallis suggests that the likes of Peter Hill began to be replaced by a leadership that was ‘ more directly concerned with the civic-political aspects of moral reform , rather than with evangelism . ’
25 The Labour government lost office in 1951 , however , to be replaced by a Conservative one , and with this change came a different approach to economic policy which included the revival of monetary methods of control — in particular the manipulation of bank rate and associated interest rates .
26 The rigid view of the sexual division of labour previously contained within the system is being diluted , to be replaced by a scheme which assumes that women will both want and need to switch from home to paid work and back again , particularly as the special demands of dependants such as children and the elderly — for whom the system still assumes women are primarily responsible — come and go .
27 A flimsy flush door with a hollow core needs to be replaced by a door of more solid construction .
28 It will allow the sense of frustration many of us have felt for a number of years to be replaced by a new sense of purpose .
29 The word disappeared from the screen to be replaced by a message .
30 In the name of these principles the Cortes produced on paper ( for neither the constitution nor its legislative consequences were ever effective ) a Spain that would have delighted the monarchical bureaucrats : a clumsy taxational system , with endless provincial divergencies , was to be replaced by a uniform income tax ; the machinery of the ancien régime with its characteristic confusion of administrative and judicial function was dismantled .
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