Example sentences of "to be paid by [art] " in BNC.

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1 He goes on : ‘ Since these costs … would have to be paid by a grant … and since a grant of above £10 million requires affirmative resolution [ and thus debate ] in the House , it seems there are two choices : to cap the BAe grant at £9.5 million ; or set the ceiling at £13.5 million and for you to accept the greater risk of challenge and thus repayment being required . ’
2 In order to give businesses time to adjust to their new rate liability , the change in the amount of rates to be paid by a business will be phased in probably over 5 years .
3 Suzhou , for example , a city in the Jiangsu Province of China , assesses the fine to be paid by a violator as the volume of wastes emitted ( in tonnes or cubic metres ) multiplied by the amount of pollutants exceeding the national standards ( in percentage terms ) , multiplied by the standard fee for each unit of waste which exceeds the national standard ( Chang , 1985 ) .
4 The EAT , by a majority , allowed the Secretary of State 's appeal against an industrial tribunal 's decision to award the applicant the sum of £4,513.50 to be paid by the Secretary of State out of the redundancy fund under section 106 of the Employment Protection ( Consolidation ) Act 1978 .
5 Then the agent either sends an invoice to the artist for the commission , or arranges for the commission to be paid by the promoters .
6 Such was John 's desperate need of money that substantial sums were ordered to be paid by the ‘ collectors of the fine ’ directly to the king 's servants and into the king 's Chamber .
7 How the latter will be achieved remains to be seen , but it has been mooted that a surcharge should be levied on tropical timber , to be paid by the market , which could be used to undertake research into ways of achieving and ensuring tropical forest survival .
8 It was asked whether what the father owed on any account was to be paid by the son .
9 The Board made it clear that ‘ if a School Board is resolved upon , the arrangement by which the Company now pay rates upon their cottage property will be terminated , and that the rates will have to be paid by the tenants themselves : On the other hand , if the Board is not decided upon , the Company will combine with the remaining £4,000 of assessment in the Parish with a view of providing a small Infant School at Old Bradwell .
10 Improving Secondary Schools ( hereafter ISS ) is set within the context of the ILEA 's determination to tackle the issue of under-achievement by pupils , within a framework of a commitment to enhancing equality of opportunity in relation to sex , race and class : particular attention was to be paid by the committee of enquiry to low achievers and disaffected pupils .
11 The Spanish could pay for such things out of their gold and silver ; the English could not afford such things , and ran fairly frugal colonial administrations , whose pay was often in arrears whether it was supposed to be paid by the English government , the colonial taxpayers , or the company which had a charter to operate in the region .
12 These include , for example , rights to a selling exhibition of paintings by contemporary CIS artists in Germany ( 100 paintings at a price of DM600–3000 per painting , transportation costs and insurance to be paid by the German side ) ; rights for foreign firms to make reproductions to order of paintings held in museums in the CIS ( thirty copies at $1500 per copy ) , and exclusive foreign rights to the memoirs of cultural figures and former members of the government .
13 The Merseyside museums have now ordered a neodymium laser for their conservation department , the £10,500 cost to be paid by the Henry Moore Foundation .
14 the initial fee to be paid by the franchisee for the franchise , the service fee and the advertising levy ;
15 The Judge then awarded two thirds of all the costs of the defendants to be paid by the Crown Prosecution Service and as to one third made a Defendant 's costs order .
16 ‘ We adopt the guardian ad litem 's view of the local authority 's actions and order the father 's full costs to be paid by the local authority , assessed at £7,171.50 .
17 Orders have been made for costs to be paid by the plaintiffs to the defendants with a direction that the costs be taxed on the standard basis , if not agreed .
18 In National Provincial Bank of England v. Games ( 1886 ) 31 Ch.D. 582 an issue arose in a foreclosure action as to the sum to be paid by the mortgagor in order to avoid foreclosure .
19 Section 18 of the Legal Aid Act 1988 permits a court , on the application of a successful unassisted party , to award costs to be paid by the Legal Aid Board if :
20 Sometimes the contract stipulates how much is to be paid by the party in breach , e.g. ‘ £300 per day for each day delivery is delayed . ’
21 The Law Society 's Remuneration Certificate service should remain free of charge , but the Society will have a power to require up to 50% of a bill to be paid by the client before the certificate is granted .
22 The acquirer will want to examine carefully what costs and fees are proposed to be paid by the target since , if there is no adjustment to net assets at completion , moneys paid by the target will effectively have been paid by the acquirer .
23 The key unresolved issues remained the duration of the new treaty and the level of financial compensation to be paid by the USA .
24 In early July , the Senate approved a bilateral accord with the USA instructing a commission of jurists , to be designated by both countries , to rule on the amount of compensation to be paid by the Chilean government to the families of Letelier and his secretary Ronni Moffitt who was murdered with him .
25 According to section 40(1) , the court or the comptroller must be satisfied that ‘ the patent is ( having regard among other things to the size and nature of the employer 's undertaking ) of outstanding benefit to the employer and that by reason of those facts it is just that the employee should be awarded compensation to be paid by the employer ’ .
26 Once hired , the scientists would continue to be paid by the federal government , with regional government picking up an increasing share of the salary each year .
27 Although the exact amount of money allocated to the programme is known , the proportion to be paid by the Länder , which are normally financially responsible for universities , is still being negotiated .
28 By the end of the Middle Ages there were various categories of copyholder , the best placed being those who held by inheritance with the entry fine to the land being fixed , while the less fortunate held for a term of life , with an uncertain entry fine to be paid by the successor , or even , although this was unusual , held only for a term of years ( 79 , p.47 ; 82 , pp.60–2 ) .
29 An employee who , in the course of his employment , has made an invention which belongs to his employer may be awarded compensation to be paid by the employer if the patent is of outstanding benefit to the employer ( section 40 ) .
30 The apportionment will affect the corporation tax liabilities of the parties ( particularly in relation to chargeable gains and capital allowances ) and the stamp duty to be paid by the purchaser .
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