Example sentences of "to [be] found at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He is insistent on this : " it is safe to observe , indeed to stress , the following : between 1750 and 1850 almost all employed people , particularly in towns , were to be found at work between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. , Tuesday to Saturday " .
2 All the colourful components of France 's Colonial Empire were to be found at work keeping the Verdun lifeline open ; powerful Senegalese , with their chants of ‘ cassa-le-caillou ’ , wielded picks next to industrious little Annamites , clad in yellow uniforms .
3 That is to be found at column 860 of Hansard .
4 They 're more likely to be found at Lansdowne Road ( another recent issue in your letters page ) .
5 They are also to be seen in neat pleated skirts of the kind to be found at Jaeger and Country Casuals .
6 The area between Caniçal and the end of the island is very sandy and , indeed , the only natural sandy beach on the island is to be found at Prainha on the road out to Ponta do São Lourenço at the end of the island .
7 It is of a rock type not common to the immediate area , the nearest appears to be found at Cayton and Cornelian Bays , ten miles distant , and is believed to have been brought to Rudston for religious reasons , since it was there long before the church .
8 To travel out to foreign countries without having first made himself acquainted with what remarkable things there are to be found at home , he held neither for wisdom or usefulness .
9 Such an Act would , however , at once lay bare the fact that the cause of Irish misery , which now seems to come from abroad , is really to be found at home .
10 The automatic directions are to be found at RSC Ord 25 , r8 and for the county courts at CCR Ord 17 , r11 ( see Appendix 0 ) .
11 One such book illustration was used for Joshua and Caleb carrying a large bunch of grapes between them ; to be found at Milverton in Somerset .
12 These savings are to be found at Gateway stores NOT Safeway .
13 He was seldom to be found at meetings of the BPI , the industry 's body , or glad-handing at functions among bow-tie- and cumberbund-wearers .
14 Thus , the original registers for the Sheffield district are to be found at Sheffield Central Library , whereas the bishop 's transcripts for those parishes that were within Yorkshire are kept at the Borthwick Institute for Historical Research , York , and the transcripts for those places that formerly lay within Derbyshire are available at the Lichfield Joint Record Office .
15 At every stage of the interchurch process we were hearing voices saying to us it is not sufficient that there should be fellowship , agreement , companionship , cooperation at the highest levels but it had to be found at every level , it had to be found at grass roots level .
16 In Buckinghamshire four of the five wealthiest lived in Aylesbury , Amersham and Buckingham , and elsewhere they were to be found at places like Bromsgrove and Kidderminster , Worcs. , and Blakeney , Little Walsingham and Great Yarmouth , Norfolk .
17 Lithographs by Kounellis are to be found at Lelong until 28 February : a series of ten large portraits drawn on the stone with the finger , entitled ‘ Stone Smoke ’ .
18 Another little colony of the Blessed Ones which has turned into a hell-hole is to be found at Summerhill in Suffolk , where 70 years ago , the educational idealist A. S. Neill founded his progressive academy , known as the do-as-you-like school .
19 But soon she would have reached the stage where she would deliberately avoid going to places where birds were to be found at ground level — such as the local park .
20 and my Lord er the appeal to the court of appeal er which is at erm tab five was exclusively on the issue of whether Lord Justice and the divisional court were correct in the ruling they have docted for the interim , er and the court of appeal judgement , the main judgement is given by Lord Justice er reviewed with and the erm the heart of Lord Justice judgement on this issue is to be found at page nineteen my Lord of the transcript passage that begins my reading of this judgment down to the bottom of that paragraph at letter G , so from B to G on page nineteen .
21 It is said to be found at depths of around 30 metres and is , therefore , unlikely to be shipped in other than very restricted numbers .
22 The result was a small foot in the proportions likely to be found at Hadar .
23 The Atlantic Group owns and operates just such a specialist engine overhaul business , Not to be found at Coventry , wholly-owned subsidiary CFS Aeroengines is located at Hal Safi , alongside Malta 's Luqa International Airport .
24 S Group was led by Group Captain Donald Bennett , who we heard was a most formidable gentleman from ‘ down under ’ and who was mostly to be found at Group Headquarters , Huntingdon or at Wyton RAF Station , a few miles away .
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