Example sentences of "to [art] parents ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Building up parental confidence in these techniques can sometimes present a problem as they may be contradictory to the parents ' viewpoint .
2 In this case , the doctor involved , Dr Robert Dinwiddie , refused to consent to the parents ' decision , and called in the hospital social workers .
3 Overall , the studies suggest that the children 's adjustment following divorce is related first to consistent and on-going relationships with both parents ; and secondly , which is central to our discussion , to the parents ' ability to co-operate in their respective parenting roles , that is , co-operation without rancour or conflict .
4 The once-in-a-while reward is often used to deal with disobedience about coming to the parents ' bed in the middle of the night .
5 Unfortunately there have been a number of cases where monies raised by voluntary activities have gone missing and , because the school is linked by name to the parents ' organisation , the schools ' reputation has suffered .
6 Councillor Spencer Rosie , who had so consistently championed the cause of the suspended Children 's Panel Reporter , Katherine Kemp , also gave his whole-hearted backing to the parents ' fight .
7 Attendance at a day centre where the parents and child attend together can be very valuable or the professional 's going to the parents ' home to watch a play session will enable sharing of the observations .
8 ‘ It 's been put to the Parents ' Association , Deirdre .
9 That , and trying to recruit him to the parents ' Association committee ( which was almost the same thing , as the most active women members were divorcees ) .
10 As the door to the parents ' room opened , she held her breath .
11 Time given to listening to the parents ' point of view at an early stage and to reducing their anxieties by giving well-founded information can be helpful in arranging a placement which satisfies them .
12 When referrals have come from other professionals it is important to get back to the parents ' view rather than working from the information in the referral letter .
13 All right , they say , a wife is a wife after all , but when it comes to a parents ' decision
14 Last week I gave a talk to a parents ' committee in one of our schools on how to make a constitution — I felt I was contributing to the growth of grass roots democracy in South Africa .
15 The Major began to feel that Onyx Muggeridge was not quite what he had come to a Parents ' Evening for , and was quite grateful when the headmaster disengaged himself with palpable reluctance from the Fromes and sailed in his direction , exuding Manner .
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