Example sentences of "in trying [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And with a mass of highly critical evidence built up against him , chief executive Venables faces a mammoth task in trying to persuade the court he should be allowed to stay on the board despite his sacking on May 14 .
2 ‘ There is not going to be a solution in trying to stop the water .
3 Staff and residents have been praising her bravery in trying to stop the thief .
4 Andrew Nicol , for Mr Crook , told Lord Lane , the Lord Chief Justice , sitting with Mr Justice Macpherson and Mr Justice Pill , that his client had been ‘ zealous ’ in trying to preserve the principle of open justice .
5 Yet our art persists in trying to render the world as though it were here , now , available , he wrote .
6 You seem to be sort of trying to encourage a guilt complex by this , this idea put forward by the conservatives , which is not the case , people should not feel guilty in trying to do the benefit that they can to benefit the people of Wiltshire .
7 We vied with one another in trying to remember the order in which the stations came .
8 THE West German Chancellor , Dr Helmut Kohl , yesterday killed any lingering hopes in Downing Street that the Federal Republic would join Britain in trying to slow the momentum of European union .
9 In trying to answer the question " where does a child 's control of his or her native language come from ? " , two contrasting theoretical explanations have come to dominate discussion .
10 Lord Mayor of London Sir Brian Jenkins ( below with Ms Leith ) seemed lost for words in trying to describe the sculpture … ‘ that extraordinary thing ’ … which now stands , he said , where former Institute secretary John Hough used to lunch .
11 Although the relation is the same in both cases , the psychological aspect of compresence has the epistemological priority and it is by considering the " private compresence " of the parts of one total momentary experience that we must begin in trying to explain the possibility of an objective order in physical space-time .
12 In trying to bridge the gap , theorists commonly resort to purposive forms of explanation , and Poulantzas ' appeal to class strategy is an apt example of this phenomenon .
13 Many lace patterns are vertically symmetrical so there seems little point in trying to reverse the direction anyway .
14 I 'd joined in trying to control the thing by now as Gillian found she could n't manage curves on her own .
15 In a minute we 'll have reaction from people living near the festival site , the local MP , and police involved in trying to control the festival .
16 The administration lost no time in trying to regain the initiative for the United States .
17 ‘ If the banks do not pass on the whole of the cut in rates then that is a waste of the Government 's time in trying to stimulate the economy . ’
18 In trying to appreciate the variety of relevant perspectives that research workers have adopted , his table comprising 10 ‘ alternative lenses and approaches for strategy research ’ ( economics , cognitive psychology , analytical modelling , organisational behaviour , and so on ) is especially useful .
19 It was reactive , responding to problems and issues thrust upon it day by day , rather than pro-active in trying to shape the organisation 's future at a strategic level .
20 The difficulty encountered by the expertise theory in trying to demonstrate the legitimacy of corporate managerial power by showing that there are restraints on the discretion of the managers stems from its attempt to combine a deference to the judgments of business managers with an insistence that corporate managers are subject to fiduciary duties that prevent them from exercising their power for their own purposes or for other non-corporate ends .
21 In trying to keep the wheelbarrow upright as I walked , I moved along a wavy line .
22 Mr Clarke retorted that the BMA was being ‘ absurd ’ in trying to reopen the issue .
23 And in trying to protect the future of Europe 's television manufacturers , may actually be helping them to cut their own throats .
24 Without understanding the origins we shall make little progress in trying to comprehend the present , or indeed , any other aspect of the situation .
25 Quickly she snatched the pan from the hotplate , but the handle caught in her sleeve , and , in trying to correct the balance and stop the lace from tearing , she burned her thumb .
26 It therefore provides a good time to reflect on the experience so far in trying to encourage the transfer and synthesis of knowledge across the two fields and to look to the future in the light of that experience .
27 The best that can be done in trying to meet the air quality standards is to persuade each emitter to reduce emissions to meet some emission standard , which will ultimately be based on someone 's judgement of what is ‘ good practice ’ .
28 For example in trying to increase the fuel efficiency of a car we might create the following sub-problems : better fuel consumption in the cylinder ; better timing of ignition ; use of exhaust gas heat ; reduction of weight of body ; less fuel consumption for air conditioners etc .
29 For all the thought that she had given to his ordinary life , Johnny could have been a milkman , for all she cared , or an Insurance broker working in the City , whose daily brush with danger was in trying to cross the road .
30 But the main interest is in trying to reduce the rate of first heart attacks among middle-aged men prone to CHD ( men have maybe four times as many heart attacks as women ) .
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