Example sentences of "in so far [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In so far as material conditions were more unpleasant , so human beings were more unpleasant .
2 The immediate prospects are not promising for the child , at least in so far as primary schools are concerned .
3 In other ways , however , there is a continuity in these policies , especially in so far as inner-city and urban initiatives specifically target defined spatial areas and direct resources deliberately towards them through special schemes .
4 Thus , in so far as middle-class women are more likely to perceive the low status of the housewife role , they are more likely than their working-class sisters to be dissatisfied with it .
5 Mundanity is a variety of realism in so far as familiar and recurrent experiences are those which the mind most readily conceives of as " real " .
6 On the other hand , in so far as general provisions such as Articles 100 and 235 may be used in this area , national competence would appear only to be excluded to the extent that the Community has enacted legislation .
7 In so far as religious thinking was permeated by the spirit of Humanism , religious music also submitted to become the vehicle of the word while pure polyphony of the utmost technical refinement continued to serve the religion of pure unreasoning faith , ‘ the magic of sound matching the magic of faith ’ .
8 9.2 In respect of all goods manufactured and supplied to the Seller by third parties the Seller will pass on to the Purchaser ( in so far as possible ) the benefit of any warranty given to the Seller by such third parties and will ( on request ) supply to the Purchaser details of the terms and conditions of such warranty and copies of any relevant product information sheets , technical data sheets or product leaflets issued by such third parties and the Purchaser shall be solely responsible to the entire exclusion of the Seller for complying with all of these .
9 In so far as colonial bureaucracy extended its activities beyond law and order and the collection of revenues , they were perceived of as ‘ nation building responsibilities ’ ( Dube 1964 ) .
10 In so far as modern historians have tried to explain it , it is simply as a continuation of the war of 1173 This however , it was not .
11 Second , in so far as modern complex statistical studies can separate the influence of some of these factors , education is important , though not dominating .
12 By themselves the facts are neutral but in so far as moral views about the proper role of the media are based upon presumptions about facts , our empirical findings are bound to have moral implications .
13 In so far as geographical definitions can be made , we have defined Turkey as a country which could be a member of the Community and for our purposes Turkey is regarded as a European country .
14 There is not space to discuss here even briefly the many controversial issues raised in the literature on corporatism , but in so far as territorial politics are concerned , it must be observed that even if there was or is a trend towards greater centralisation of political representation , this does not at all mean that there might not also be a functional deconcentration towards the periphery in specific cases .
15 In so far as top businessmen play a decisive role in company strategy — as distinct from its public presentation — the talents they need will vary from one situation to another .
16 The analogy holds in so far as stylistic competence , like linguistic competence , is a capacity which we possess and exercise unconsciously and intuitively : only with special training can it be turned into explicit knowledge .
17 Nevertheless , all inductivists would claim that in so far as scientific theories can be justified , they are justified by supporting them inductively on the basis of some more-or-less secure basis provided by experience .
18 Nationalism may also contain racial elements in so far as particular nations may be regarded as deriving from specific racial stocks ; and biologically defined communities may be regarded as the prime source of cultural characteristics .
19 A striking example of their dissociation is provided by the following exchange : on the one hand , Runciman takes it for granted that methodological individualism is ‘ now generally conceded to be almost trivially true ’ , while on the other Torrance asserts that ‘ In so far as methodological individualism is true it is trivial and irrelevant to sociology , while in so far as it is used to curb or dictate explanatory methods it is either incoherent or false ’ .
20 In so far as bureaucratic power has become a problem for modern democracy , it has been a result of the inadequacies of political control as much as the internal features of bureaucracies themselves .
21 If such is the case , it would follow that the 500-akce kadilik is a sixteenth-century invention and that in so far as 300- and 500-akce kadiliks have significance in hierarchical terms in the sense that the former ranked below the latter-they do so only in regard to the kadiliks created in the sixteenth century and later .
22 Valuev foresaw this possibility and let it be known that , in so far as preliminary censorship continued to be available , it would be harsh .
23 Brownlow was felt by many in the group to be typical of government sponsored community economic development initiatives in that it was unrepresentative of local people in so far as local people felt excluded from the processes that were happening , even though substantial resources were being made available through the initiative .
24 The Labour government 's priority from 1964 onwards was the servicing of the economy in response to demands made on them by capital ; in so far as working-class girls could have contributed to this , it would have been only in those unskilled jobs for which greater or better education was not required .
25 But this was only innovative in so far as classical ballet was concerned as there are many 5/4 Slav folk dances .
26 Both are disadvantageous , in so far as maternal and child health are concerned .
27 Consequently , as Needham has pointed out , in so far as Chinese natural philosophy ‘ was committed to thinking of time in separate compartments or boxes , perhaps it was more difficult for a Galileo to arise who should uniformise time into an abstract geometrical co-ordinate , a continuous dimension amenable to mathematical handling ’ .
28 Those consequences can be avoided ( and Community law respected ) in so far as national courts interpret national legislation so as to comply with the terms of the directive in question .
29 In so far as past medical expenses are concerned , the application of this subsection gives rise to no difficulty .
30 Such fears , however , should not be dismissed lightly in so far as genetic engineering is still in its infancy .
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