Example sentences of "in the same direction [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The genesis of political consciousness towards conservation programmes arose in very different circumstances , but its development has been moving in the same directions as family planning programmes .
2 This effect is best corrected by observing the exhaust smoke and trimming the model so that the tail boom is pointing in the same direction that the smoke is being blown .
3 Detailed scrutiny of these and other markings reveals that , at the cloud tops , the atmosphere moves around Venus predominantly in an east-west ( zonal ) direction and in the same direction that Venus rotates , taking about 4 to 5 days to encircle Venus once .
4 However , I shall argue that it is only when they do point in the same direction that conditions are suitable for the development of intelligent beings who can ask the question : why does disorder increase in the same direction of time as that in which the universe expands ?
5 If we make up a helical coil ( Fig. 4.2(b) ) the wires are going round always in the same direction so the voltages simply add and we may rewrite eqn ( 4.13 ) in the form
6 Ron Todd , the general secretary of the transport workers ' union , said that today 's vote on the multilaterist nuclear defence policy would not yield the ‘ massive and overwhelming ’ majority predicted by right-wingers , and he warned that party leaders could not expect everybody to ‘ goose-step ’ in the same direction once the policy had been carried .
7 This way , all the grain travels in the same direction and you do not store up shrinkage problems .
8 ‘ The crystals always grow in the same direction and then they are shaped , ’ they say .
9 Other international companies are moving in the same direction and many , like ICI and BP , are firmly committed in principle to community regeneration .
10 I looked in the same direction and saw a group of men standing and staring at us .
11 For Newton there was no satisfactory account of why the planets should orbit the sun in the same direction and in roughly the same plane : This aesthetically pleasing scheme could only be explained by appealing to God 's initial design .
12 Start a Shuttle and a space walker off in the same direction and at the same speed , and they stay together following exactly the same path round the Earth .
13 In the worst possible case , with all errors operating in the same direction and all being at plus or minus two standard errors ( a most unlikely occurrence and an overstatement of the true joint confidence intervals ) , the estimated expenditure needs might range from £108 to £509 for every child aged 5–17 .
14 They were seen to be working in the same direction and although it has not yet been possible to gauge the extent to which they help in the task of managing new education , their contribution to quality assurance should , by tradition , be valuable .
15 The rear suspension deforms slightly on corners , allowing the rear wheels to steer up to 3° in the same direction as the front wheels .
16 Twelve hours later we pulled into Zaudinskiy , the junction of the Trans-Mongolian and Trans-Siberian lines , and after fond farewells and toasts my comrades headed west — in the same direction as train after train loaded with tanks .
17 Where we might have expected these to vary in the same direction as the specialist team 's , they in fact exhibit a different set of distinctions , particularly in the high rate of service provision and the trend towards maintaining cases as live .
18 Moreover , on some occasions ( and the present scenario could well be one ) the economic and social pressures may be pushing in the same direction as educational forces .
19 Competitive market differentiation leads , then , in the same direction as the aesthetic process of verisimilitude : towards innovation , generic mixing , mutation .
20 None the less , what the United States data imply is that the upward trend in recorded crime is in the same direction as actual victimization , although at a slower rate .
21 Thereupon the world reverses its rotation and everything starts to deteriorate until God reasserts his control and lets the universe rotate once again in the same direction as before .
22 He was irritated by my disbelief and pointed forcefully in the same direction as before , shouting , ‘ Reggane ! ’
23 The term used to describe the course of the board when sailing in the same direction as the wind .
24 The operation of the wheel is unusual , being a variation on the overshot type in which water falls on to the top of the wheel and turns it in the same direction as the water 's flow .
25 This would have no impact on the fusion rate , but a tokamak can contain alpha particles more easily if they start their life travelling in the same direction as the magnetic field that contains the plasma .
26 All of the planets circle around the Sun elliptically in the same direction as the Sun itself rotates .
27 This is usually — but not always — in the same direction as the tail rotor command .
28 Even with a perfectly judged autorotation , there may still be some tendency for the model to swing round in the same direction as the blade rotation .
29 ‘ did proceed across ( or along ) the carriageway ’ This point means that the pedestrian tried or succeeded in walking across the carriageway i.e. from footpath to footpath or along the carriageway in the same direction as the traffic flow .
30 It was still possible that this was thermonuclear fusion taking place in a mass of gas moving in the same direction as the current , but other measurements made this seem very unlikely .
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