Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun pl] since " in BNC.

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1 In the sixteen years since , it has sold 75,000 copies , and people are still finding it helpful , and I myself often take a chapter for meditation , when my own spirit feels low and dry .
2 In the 80 years since the aeroplane first appeared in the county , it has brought a great deal of pleasure and prosperity .
3 It aims to turn the headphones radios and television group into a mini-conglomerate and says that in the five weeks since new board was appointed , ‘ considerable progress has already been made . ’
4 He admitted that mistakes had been made in the five months since he personally took over the government , especially in the slow pace of privatisation .
5 Mr Yeltsin admitted that mistakes had been made in the five months since he personally took over the government , especially in the very slow pace of privatisation .
6 Ms Capaldi said a considerable amount of work on data had been carried out in the five months since the report was published .
7 It was a goal of the highest class , reflecting the progress the 29-year-old striker has made in the five years since he left Blundell Park to earn fame and fortune with Norwich City and Rangers .
8 In the five years since , he has been world champion three times , but the British Open has eluded him .
9 Instead an eclectic approach has been taken , highlighting some of the more significant work that has been done in the five years since the first edition of this book was published .
10 They say the stage is a respectable profession nowadays , well maybe it is , but I ca n't think it 's changed all that much in the five years since I left .
11 ‘ Would it surprise you to know that in the five years since I first set eyes on you , I have not looked seriously at another woman ?
12 Pinchbeck acknowledges that in the five years since he left , Magnus has undergone interesting change .
13 Swan numbers in the UK have increased by 25 per cent in the five years since anglers stopped using lead weights , according to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds .
14 In the five years since this judgment , Parliament has shown little interest , although the Labour Party has endorsed a proposal that those in the distribution business should be under a legal obligation to supply any publication requested by their customers — a reform which would require abolition of the rule that distributors can be held responsible for particular defamations of which they have no knowledge but which are nonetheless contained in libel-prone publications .
15 In the five years since the Inspector made his first appearance , the audience has grown to seven hundred and fifty million people worldwide .
16 in the five years since they were first subjected to competition , Swedish Railways have transformed both their efficiency and their performance .
17 In the four years since we looked at the Subaru estate , it 's gone upmarket with a bang .
18 Stock , Aitken and Waterman 's achievements in the four years since they had joined forces were — even in an industry known for its hyperbole — sensational .
19 The simplest reason for the disappointing subscription is that the novelty of a kitchen maid poet had dissipated in the four years since the first subscription , especially among the gentry around Brackley who might now observe Philip Leapor enjoying the fruits of the first volume .
20 Meanwhile , he saw no reason to delay other measures in the package : ‘ We have , after all , made extraordinary progress in the four years since these proposals were listed in the White Paper as part of the programme required for the Single Market .
21 Although they were still only in their teens , the two young Annamese had undergone a drastic change in appearance in the four years since the Sherman family had watched them gambolling around the cooking tent of their father , Ngo Van Loc , the hunting camp " boy " of Jacques Devraux .
22 Two A-320s had crashed previously in the four years since the aircraft went into operation .
23 Carden is Europe 's most northerly commercial vineyard and in the four years since it opened has already established itself in the wine market .
24 And she needed that sort of help ; because although nothing had happened in the four days since Adam had returned from Starr Hills , the nights were becoming more than she could bear .
25 This is the second significant Communist Party clear-out in the four weeks since Mr Mladenov seized power .
26 IN the four months since Mr Major emerged from negotiations in the Dutch town of Maastricht , his main rivals among the European Community 's leaders have been embarrassed by their electorates .
27 In the 2041 years since , glassmakers have striven for the ultimate : to blow glass as brilliant and pure as the natural rock crystal itself .
28 Only those ideas which can be traced through many different formulations on depression in the seventy years since Freud 's book was published are touched upon here .
29 In the twenty-two years since Ian Paisley had campaigned for Kilfedder in West Belfast , the world had been turned upside down more than once and the three men had crossed and re-crossed each other , like figures in a bizarre dance .
30 The House will be interested to know that , in the six months since my hon. Friend last questioned me on the subject , there have been 992 call-outs from RAF Chivenor and 591 people have been assisted .
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