Example sentences of "in [adj] ways [coord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Children cope in different ways and it may be that the only support they need is from you .
2 Recognise that addictive diseases affects different people in different ways and it is very variable in its intensity but that all share the denial of believing that they are not addicted : the crucial test of addiction is not whether one can stop the use of an addictive substance or behaviour but whether one can happily stay off and not be drawn back to it or to something equally addictive .
3 Because these will be resent as we know that have individual needs in individual ways and they often rub off one against the other if they live in closeness as we all do .
4 John Piper may have been a foolish man in many ways but he was always friendly and generous to all classes of people .
5 The arrest was irregular in many ways and he was freed from the threat of deportation on 20 August 1931 .
6 They know that their children are stronger than them in many ways and it is hard for them to come to terms with that and still keep their dignity and self-respect .
7 ‘ The fact that we failed to reach the second round is a blow in many ways and I am so disappointed for everybody . ’
8 ‘ The fact that we failed to reach the second round is a blow in many ways and I am so disappointed for everybody . ’
9 I experience this loyalty in many ways and I thank each one of you for this .
10 But Sir Emmanuel was good in other ways and he used to buy our wool at a fair price .
11 The immature deliberative faculty will mature ; children have the ‘ possibility apparent ’ of turning into rational beings ( Hobbes ) ; they love to be treated as though they were rational though they are not so yet ( Locke ) ; you can give the prerational child reasons for acting in certain ways and he will turn into the youth who is capable of having principles ( Kant ) .
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