Example sentences of "in [adj] ways [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A horse 's need for self-esteem can be extended in different ways to suit us .
2 The old Union station had been in a rambling neo-Romanesque style , but the new one was to match the grandest of the American Beaux-Arts school , and in some ways surpass them .
3 Constance did n't bother to reply but sat down beside the cat , which in some ways reminded her of her loved one .
4 ‘ I do in many ways admire him , I admit .
5 The Sea is a sort of mythological enemy , and I make what you might call sacrifices to it in my soul , fearing it a little , respecting it as you 're supposed to , but in many ways treating it as an equal .
6 But there are also extensive external networks ( formal and informal ; electronic , written and oral ) to which we have links , and which in various ways bind us to the rest of the actors in the firm .
7 ‘ Labelling theory ’ claims ( and is supported by research studies such as those just mentioned ) that catching and punishing offenders ‘ labels ’ and stigmatizes them as criminals , and that this process can in various ways make it more difficult for them to conform to a law-abiding life in future .
8 " Accommodation theory " demonstrates that speakers adjust their speech in various ways to make it more similar or dissimilar to that of their interlocutors ( see Giles and Smith 1979 for a review . )
9 If other Victorian novelists do not set fire to their great houses with as much frequency as Dickens , they tend in other ways to undermine them , suggesting that they too perceive them , not merely as fabrics , but as expressions of an outmoded system .
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