Example sentences of "in [adj] type of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There were approximately a thousand in each type of provision .
2 It would be useful to know whether there are any similarities in the graves with and without amber in each type of cemetery as it may help us to understand whether such goods are being handed down through society and something of the controls on access to them .
3 If mixing is seen as possible or even beneficial , then what is the best mix in each type of organisation ?
4 One development was a network of stakes in the principal companies in each type of business .
5 Figures are given for each local authority , showing numbers and proportions of residents aged under 65 , and 65+ , supported in each type of accommodation .
6 Line and Sandison conclude , ‘ Variations between individual titles , of serials as well as monographs , are likely to be so great that substantial data must be collected for each individual title , perhaps in each library ( certainly in each type of library ) if weeding is to be done on a rational basis ’ .
7 Certain specific fields of information may change in each type of movement .
8 Er yes because obviously I was in that type of field .
9 In that type of case erm perhaps the Court will not pay too much regard to the defendant 's personal circumstances because they 're not going to make that much difference , but if it 's not that serious a case the other main consideration that comes into play is the defendant 's own personal circumstance .
10 I do n't think , I do n't think it will , I think erm certainly from a cultural point of view the questions that comes up of erm in that type of society they think sod this I 'm going hunting , but the fact of the matter is the men .
11 Besides , he was n't interested in that type of trap any more .
12 Clearly the average ferreter of today could make no impression worth mentioning in that type of situation .
13 But what 's certain is that if you 're in that type of job you will be amongst the lowest paid workers in Scotland .
14 But I would n't dream of having an input in that type of thing . ’
15 Because geomorphology as a science was developed to a large extent by workers in the humid temperate regions of North America and Europe , there has arisen a natural tendency to regard the landforms developed in that type of climate as normal .
16 Is the Minister aware that most people who live in that type of accommodation do not believe that the Government take the problem seriously enough , and that we now urgently require either a direct grant or an allowance for capital borrowing to provide concierge-type services in high tower blocks in Glasgow and other parts of Scotland ?
17 As Engels noted , women contribute differentially to the processes of production in different types of society but the contribution of women in the production of the most important goods of the society does not necessarily give them a high status as he thought .
18 Instead , the main task here is to understand the systems of stable inequality which have existed in different types of society .
19 It is worth noting too that it can arise in different types of trust , either in a simple trust for restitution , for instance on death ; or in a continuing trust such as the fideicommissa familiae relicta discussed in Chapter IV , in which each successive beneficiary is at the same time a trustee for other family members .
20 Different species of cones specialise in different types of prey , mainly comprising worms , other molluscs and fish , and have specific venoms to deal with each of their prey .
21 This realization has led to a great deal of debate and , although it can not be said that a general consensus has been reached on how best to define development , a good deal of light has been shed on the processes involved in different types of development .
22 The truth is that the health authorities and the social services department engaged in different types of service development , in different contexts , with different resources and with different outcomes — even though a surprisingly uniform ideal of community care was upheld at the local level throughout the service systems .
23 Broadly speaking then , at this time , two versions of mathematics were being taught to two different categories of pupil , largely in different types of school , by teachers who , again broadly speaking , had been educated in two different types of post-school institution : the university and the teacher training college .
24 However , since the proportion who are disabled in different types of household also varies , it is necessary to see whether the differences in state provision remain after the level of disability has been controlled .
25 Disability increases with age , and also varies between those living in different types of household : women living alone and those living with younger married couples are particularly likely to be severely disabled .
26 patterns of leisure decision-making in different types of household and resultant patterns of activity ;
27 In addition to complementing the notion of grammaticality with notions of acceptability and naturalness , the theme-rheme distinction can also be useful in explaining methods of organization and development in different types of text .
28 Part one provides instruction in the use and practice of English in different types of communication , including essay , business letter and other forms of business writing ; activities provide for development of all the skills .
29 17.52 ( i ) Pupils working towards level 7 should develop a sensitivity to the different styles of vocabulary that are used in different types of writing .
30 the importance of the home as a venue for leisure in different types of housing and households of different sizes and structures with a range of housing types ;
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