Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun pl] themselves " in BNC.

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1 The history teacher adopting an evidence based approach will regularly use document sources in the classroom , but there can be an added advantage in looking at relevant documents or pictures in the historic surroundings themselves .
2 Black Orcs are certainly more common in the eastern part of their territory , in the Dark Lands themselves , and in the Worlds Edge Mountains adjoining the Bad Lands .
3 I know very well that in many cases this is in the mind of the palaeontologist rather than in the rocky facts themselves .
4 More important , perhaps , was the emergence in the Baltic republics themselves of an open , widely supported and coordinated nationalist movement taking the form of ‘ popular fronts ’ ( or in Lithuania , Sajudis ) .
5 The proposals would undermine the principal effect of removing the ‘ subject to ’ opinion , which is to encourage better reporting of uncertainties in the financial statements themselves .
6 These counter-attacks aside , there remain fundamental methodological differences in the two disciplines themselves .
7 Nuclear reactions by contrast involve changes in the atomic elements themselves , such as the conversion of hydrogen into helium within the Sun , and vast amounts of heat are generated in such processes .
8 Moreover , our results show that the amount of perceived depth and the perceived separation of corrugations ( size ) were both affected when the differential perspective cues were present only in the surrounding flat regions of the stereo images and were absent in the corrugated surfaces themselves ( Fig. 3 , far right ) .
9 There is no doubt that this kind of focus is likely to become more common and likely to make major changes in the contributory disciplines themselves .
10 If weak-tie situations can exist even in the inner-city communities themselves ( L. Milroy ( 1987 : 131 ) discusses the case of Hannah McK from the Clonard area who has a density/multiplexity score of 0 ) , it is to be expected that within the wider social structure of a city , social distance between groups will develop even more .
11 From these extensive and varied surveys the detrimental effects of ionizing radiations are found to be somatic ( manifest in the exposed individuals themselves ) and genetic or hereditary ( affecting descendants ) .
12 She even had , by the classical period , Long Walls running down to Lechaion harbour , like those which joined Athens to Piraeus ; and she had a decent-sized navy : the Corinthians lent twenty ships to Athens before the Persian Wars and contributed forty in the Persian Wars themselves , and they had ninety ships at the battle of Sybota ( p. 89 ) .
13 The clue to the crime , if crime there was , must be in the human beings themselves , and in their relationships with each other .
14 Some comments could be dealt with readily by changes to the draft statutory instruments but others were not so easy to resolve as they raise more fundamental questions and in these cases my officials were able to explore with the auditing practices board , whether issues could be more easily addressed in the statement of auditing standards which is being developed to accompany the legislation than in the statutory instruments themselves .
15 These refer to victims of road accidents occurring throughout Lothian and not necessarily in the eligible areas themselves .
16 Normally , the ingenuity which requires protection is in the circuitry represented by the patterns formed by the conducting materials , but the regulations are wider in the sense that they will apply in situations where the ingenuity lies not so much in the horizontal patterns themselves but in the vertical arrangement of layers .
17 This is , however , a deficiency in modern academic scholarship rather than in the paper-based systems themselves .
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