Example sentences of "in [pos pn] early [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I had never lived there , although in my early childhood I had stayed for short periods ( but then my mind was occupied in forming pictures ; the time had not yet come for looking at those pictures , for interpreting them ) .
2 In My Early Life he says I had picked up a wide vocabulary and a liking for the feel of words fitting and falling into their places like pennies in the slot .
3 hiding Joe remembers : ‘ In my early days I had a big following in Barnsley , bigger even than at home in Bradford and I played Alex there one night for a few pounds .
4 In my early days I was into Pere Ubu and Josef K , but now I 'm more mellow and listen to Lyle Lovett and some classical stuff .
5 But in my early days it was quite common for some of the old horsemen to walk anything up to two or three miles , and sometimes more , to bring harness down to the shop .
6 In my early years I did n't differentiate between one kind of science and another .
7 Repetition is something many students avoid at all costs , and in their early music they tend not to repeat a single bar in an entire composition .
8 Unfortunately , there were so many restrictions — and charges were so high — that in their early years they never really took off .
9 In her early years it met three days a week , but in the final decades was meeting on six or seven .
10 In her early years she helped to start the Girl Guide movement in Swansea and London .
11 Firstly , much of the research focuses on human embryos which raises ethical considerations hitherto unprecedented , and while such research is still in its early stages it is clear that the ability to manipulate human life itself requires well-defined and enforceable legislation .
12 In its early phase it reflected broad Catholic opinion which wanted acceptance as full citizens of the North and had some liberal Unionist support .
13 In its early years it was called the Ulster Saturday Night , but this was soon extended to its present title Ireland 's Saturday Night .
14 In its early days it attracted support from a wide range of anti-Francoist groups , including Catholic workers ' organizations , but subsequently it came increasingly under the control of the communist party .
15 In his early life he was a keen explorer and traveller , and his photographs of life in Meiji Japan are of historical interest .
16 In his early teens he turned to reading poetry , then to writing it — and , though he showed his poems to his sisters , he kept them secret from his mother .
17 In his early drawings it was the delicacy of line that caught my attention ; there is the same exquisite feeling in many of the watercolours that he painted in his later years .
18 In his early work we can see that Foucault 's position involves a remarkable development of Althusser 's hints that art can function as a privileged category that provides an ‘ internal distance ’ from ideology by relating histories , writing reports .
19 Labov reports ( personal communication ) that in his early work he once played back to a woman a tape-recording of her own casual speech to prove to her that her image of her accent was inaccurate .
20 In his early works he was very concerned with the problem of ‘ alienation ’ and the ‘ essence of man ’ and even in Capital it is impossible not to be moved in reading his account of conditions in England during the first half of the nineteenth century .
21 In his early months he sought to stimulate the interest of the Cambridge Board in the appointment of resident tutors to pioneer development in the eastern counties of the District .
22 If the young barrister has any spare time in his early years he should use it to prolong his pupillage in fact if not in name .
23 In his early years he sailed in the ships of the Dieppe armateur , Jean Ango .
24 In his early years he appeared in concert parties .
25 In his early days he had been clerk of the race-course , but is more well known as the fiery Salvationist he became after his conversion .
26 When we first became friends in our early teens I 'd asked her if she fancied one of the young men in the village .
27 Well probably in your early days you 'll probably do a mix , but if y the quicker you can get to only work , and even to the extent I mean I went out and bought my own book that had personal recommendations on the front and I would actually show that and say look John the only way I actually work , while I get everything ready you might like to look through because it 's the only way I work , I purely work on a personal recommendation basis and that enables me to get quality clients like yourself erm and I can devote time to you rather than have to go out looking for people to tell my story
28 is er , is the main driving thing but in your early days it was material every time .
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