Example sentences of "a blind [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was 5ft 8 inches , 36–22–36 , with a new perm and a borrowed swimsuit and high heels ; to a blind man on a galloping horse I looked like a professional beauty queen .
2 If only they had possessed just a little more of that rare commodity , plus the assistance of a blind man with an abacus , it might not have taken both channels until 1.30 in the morning to start predicting an absolute majority for Mr Major .
3 It was a strange sight : a blind man at a spectacle .
4 Sir John — who lives in Denham , Bucks — recently returned from Poland where , ironically , he played a blind man for a new film .
5 ‘ Metaphysics ’ has been defined as the attempt by a blind man in a dark room to find a black hat which is n't there .
6 It 's like putting a blind man in a fast car and telling him to drive where and how he likes .
7 It is interesting to reflect on the value of a guide dog to a blind person as an aid to independence in the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
8 Some have fleshy whiskers half as long as their bodies which they project forward and wave about , like a blind person with a stick .
9 Then it was the latter 's turn to make a blind swing into a bottomless groove to start the second pitch .
10 It may be that those parents do not consider colour to be important , but such a blind attitude towards the role of group differences in the society is unwise .
11 A blind descent of the mountain 's south face in the dark seemed our only option .
12 ‘ It says , apparently , ’ she went on , ‘ that a blind boy with a mark on his face will ‘ come out of the West ’ .
13 The echinoderms may seem , from a human point of view , to be a blind alley of no particular importance .
14 If the police went charging up a blind alley as a result of her information , it would n't be her fault .
15 When the police arrived to rescue the driver , who 'd parked on a blind bend of the motorway , he 'd explained that he had n't wanted to risk ruining his tyre by driving the extra distance to the hard shoulder .
16 Trident seems to occupy a blind spot for a Government otherwise over-enthusiastic about cutbacks in public expenditure .
17 Their designers have discovered a blind spot in the way humans play chess , and they have built machines with one ability : to sit in that blind spot and stab out of it , over and over , during the course of the game .
18 When parts of the retina have actually separated , the flashing sensation stops and there is a blind spot in the affected area .
19 Address the document to Fred in the usual way but also send a blind copy to a folder called 193O728 — named after the date on which you wish to be reminded , in reverse .
20 Such sums are not obtained without some sort of commitment to success which , in contemporary terms , means circulation and advertising rather than a blind commitment to a political creed .
21 Previously , the start was determined by a blind draw within the first seeding group of 15 .
22 Our knowledge of all these sides of religious life at Canterbury at the time of the Conquest has had to be reconstructed by laborious scholarship , largely because Lanfranc turned a blind eye to every aspect of a native religious tradition .
23 Nelson , who took Murdoch 's place in goal , first of all did as his namesake and turned a blind eye to a cross from McGinlay .
24 We continue to turn a blind eye to the architecture with no name , preferring instead to attack the buildings that future generations will admire .
25 He seems to be obsessed with investing every penny , while at the same time turning a blind eye to the needs of his growing family .
26 Men like Pugin , Ruskin and William Morris turned a distasteful and then a blind eye to the fast growing urban sprawl and preferred to live in genuine or fake medieval houses by rivers or lakes .
27 Japanese authorities have turned a blind eye to the rapid expansion of their drift-net fleet .
28 Their attempts to impose conditions on a man like Henry VIII only show how far , in the initial stages , they were turning a blind eye to the implications of their policy .
29 Significantly , farmers — generally reliable Tory supporters — are blaming the Government for the sins of Brussels and appear to be turning a blind eye to the Liberal Democrats ' pro-European stance .
30 It worries me that turning a blind eye to the deliberate starvation of these patients is portrayed as contributing in some way to the high ethical standards of the nursing profession . ’
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