Example sentences of "a look at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Can we have a look at the ones underneath , in the orange block and will you do the first one Heather ?
2 Let's have a look at the ones that they 've given you .
3 So have a look at the ones you 've done here right .
4 You will have a look at the lines over the weekend , wo n't you ?
5 Let's have a look at the reactions .
6 They can have a look at the originals if they like as well .
7 What we 're going to do is have a look at the ingredients of a plan .
8 Had a look at the records last night and saw that Sterland scored 5 goals in the Div II championship and 7 in the 20-odd matches he played in the Div I Championship .
9 By now it was the rush hour and he was squeezed into the corner of a carriage by a family of Swedish tourists who talked loudly and without vowels and continuously trafficked maps and guidebooks across him , so there was no chance of getting a look at the diaries or the few folded sheets of paper that were wedged between them .
10 Have a look at the times anyway yeah ?
11 So let's let's have a look at the others .
12 It started to rain so I went down to Apsley House at the bottom right-hand corner of the park with the intention of having a look at the paintings there .
13 Have a look at the horses first , shall we ?
14 ‘ You know , I have n't had a look at the things for a long time , ’ Müller remarked .
15 You can walk all round and have a look at the things and then go to the end and pay .
16 CHRIS COBLEY follows-up last month 's fascinating interview with a look at the reasons why he prefers herbs to treat his fish .
17 Well let us us have a look at the figures if we could .
18 er I think further notice and having having a look at the figures .
19 But he this was a week and a half ago and he said , give me a couple of weeks , I want to have a look at the figures and the mix and have a think about it and I 'll come back to you .
20 Thank you very much , can we just go and have a look at the pens then
21 Through two world wars , slump and revival , a diminishing fleet had followed the magic wake to Ayr and Saltcoats , the Cumbraes , Brodick , Dunoon , and of course , that name that is synonymous with the Broomielaw , a look at the engines , and the subtle aroma of chips and vinegar on a summer 's evening beneath the palm trees of the Kyles of Bute , Rothesay .
22 I had a look at the bagpipes before pulling the rucksack onto my back , they seemed to be all right — wonder when I 'll play them again ?
23 It was Diane who proposed that they should go over and take a look at the labs where Jenner had worked and Reynolds agreed , more than a little relieved that they were returning to the main subject ; he was made uncomfortable by Diane 's self revelation and the way in which it had begun to erode his easy preconceptions of her and her ‘ type ’ .
24 ‘ According to the version I heard , a large man in a Sherlock Holmes cape had arrived one day to have a look at the drawings .
25 Let's take a look at the changes the Trusts , under N H S Trusts , staff can adapt their services more easily to suit the needs of local people .
26 let's have a look at the puddings in there and I 'll shall choose , I shall show you what I 'd like
27 It is important therefore to have a look at the reliefs and exemptions that may be available .
28 Jan Orchard takes a look at the models on the market and explains how a dishwasher can save you money as well as time
29 Have a look at the roses , give me a tip or two about pruning . ’
30 To see why , start with a look at the pros and cons of Mr Codd 's creation .
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