Example sentences of "a report [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 If the officer admits the charges , punishment will be imposed by the Chief Officer of Police and a report sent to the Police Complaints Authority .
2 Lothian and Borders Police later said that an inquiry had been held into the actions of officers that night and a report sent to the procurator-fiscal .
3 ACID RAIN is decimating the fish stocks of many Welsh rivers , according to a report presented to the Welsh Water Authority by Roscoe Howells , its director of scientific services , this week , A survey has revealed that ‘ many of the upland streams , rivers and lakes draining afforested catchments in Dyffed and Gwynedd [ south-west and north-west Wales respectively ] can not now support natural fish populations and have depleted populations of aquatic plants and animals ’ .
4 Criticism of the budget proposals was voiced by the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) both in a report presented to the Italian government by a team of inspectors in early December 1989 and again in early February 1990 .
5 The practicalities of arranging a ceasefire and a referendum on the future of the Western Sahara were detailed in a report presented to the UN on April 22 by UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar .
6 A report presented to the US Congress 's General Accounting Office in late July indicated that drug trafficking and money laundering were on the increase in the country since the removal of the regime of Gen. Manuel Noriega Moreno in December 1989 [ see pp. 37112-13 ] .
7 In a report presented to the Political Committee of FET y de las JONS on 1 April , the dissident Falangist , Dionisio Ridruejo , stated his belief that the whole affair had been a fabrication , as an excuse for a crack-down in academic and intellectual circles .
8 In a report presented to the Polish parliament , the State Inspectorate for Environmental Protection has stated that preparations are in hand to close down 100 out of the 800 industrial plants which were identified as causing dangerous levels of pollution .
9 Existing US Administration policy represents an inadequate response to the threat of global warming , according to a report presented to the US Congress by the National Academy of Sciences in Washington .
10 A WARNING that the Church of Scotland 's parish structure could collapse in the face of threatened cuts in funding has been made in a report to go to the General Assembly in May .
11 1983 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 95 , it was held to be a breach of natural justice , where a licensing board consulted with the director of environmental health at their deliberations , where he had put in a report objecting to the grant of a licence .
12 Mr Stanley Goodchild , county director of education , said the decision would be considered carefully and a report made to the education committee on December 20 .
13 Following a report made to the President of the Court of Session , television is being introduced in a controlled way in the higher courts in Scotland .
14 He 's made reference , in his mov motion , to a report coming to the next property services sub-committee , and I recognise that report as referred to in nine two of these minutes of budget review sub-committee .
15 The entire programme of work is to be capped by a report addressed to the government summing up what we now know about unemployment and reviewing the feasible policy proposals likely to solve the unemployment problem in Britain .
16 According to a report submitted to the Commission in August , a total of 430 judges and lawyers , of whom 67 were killed , were persecuted in 45 countries between July 1989 and June 1990 .
17 The Commission 's special rapporteur Felix Ermacora said in a report submitted to the UN General Assembly in November that human rights in Afghanistan had failed to conform to international standards .
18 The resolution , based on a report submitted to the UNHRC in February [ see p. 38789 ] , was passed by a vote of 35 to one ( Iraq ) , with 16 abstentions .
19 A report submitted to the International Maritime Organisation warns that hundreds of Russian sailors are at risk of serious contamination because accommodation shortages force them to live on dangerous nuclear submarines .
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