Example sentences of "a [adv] held [noun] [that] " in BNC.

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1 As it made the historic journey from being a charity team for Irish immigrants in Glasgow 's East End in 1888 to being a European Cup winning team in 1967 , there is a widely held myth that the club resents spending money and keeps its funds in the infamous biscuit tin , a closely guarded money chest under the Parkhead bed .
2 It was a severe test for him , for it is a widely held view that his talents as a party manager are not matched by his capabilities as a potential Prime Minister .
3 There is a widely held view that beauty and harmony are a lie , presenting a bourgeois vision of nature and society as fundamentally balanced and ordered .
4 And if the law of homicide makes no special provision for mercy killings ( see Chapter 7.4(h) below ) or for killings during extreme emotional disturbance , despite a widely held view that such cases ought to be treated as less culpable than ‘ ordinary ’ murders , is there not an argument for a fairly broadly defined qualified defence ?
5 Chamberlain , however , expresses a widely held view that ‘ some prices will probably go back up ’ , in the longer term if not immediately .
6 I agree that there appears to be a widely held view that some limit has to be placed upon the recovery of taxes paid pursuant to an ultra vires demand .
7 This development came about in response to an increase in the number of child abuse cases being uncovered and the sensitivity of the issues involved , combined with a widely held view that social workers were ill-prepared to deal with complex cases of this kind .
8 One result of the influence of structuralism and post-structuralism on modern literary theory has been the rejection of the analysis of literary " character " as a valid part of critical practice ; but among readers of drama and theatre-goers at large there is still a widely held view that the playwright 's " characterisation " is a vital part of the dramatic work 's whole .
9 It is a widely held prejudice that the closest boxing gets to Art is that the guy who holds the towels at ringside might just be called that .
10 It was argued above that it is unacceptable to claim that the mandatory penalty for murder supplies the raison d'être for the qualified defence of provocation : the label ‘ murder ’ should be reserved for the most heinous of killings , and there is a widely held belief that provoked killings are not in this group .
11 These expressed hostility to Britain 's pre-eminent position , the demand for greater democracy in the country , and a widely held belief that the Hashemites had an understanding with Israel not to attempt to recapture any of Israeli Palestine but to punish severely any Palestinian who violated the Armistice Line .
12 While no one would deny the existence of horrendous acts of violence and criminality in earlier times , it is a widely held belief that western , advanced societies are becoming more and more criminal .
13 Criticism of the education service for failing to meet the needs of an advanced industrial economy is undoubtedly linked with a widely held belief that educational standards , generally , are in decline .
14 In his summing-up , Mr Justice Caulfield could not have evinced a more robust hostility to the Official Secrets Act , sharing a widely held belief that it was long out of date and an intolerable interference with freedom of speech , and that it provided a justification for prosecutions ranging from the serious to the grotesquely ridiculous .
15 There is a widely held untruth that as long as you do n't copy more than eight bars , you are in the clear .
16 It is a generally held perception that formal assessment has hindered and distorted work in the secondary classroom through laying too much emphasis on what is easily examinable , regardless of its relevance as musical experience .
17 THERE 'S a generally held view that it 's almost always females who are victims of sexual abuse .
18 It is a generally held view that contributing to a good pension scheme is the best method of saving .
19 The care taken over the disposal of the dead indicates a deeply held conviction that , provided the appropriate steps were taken , death could be regarded as a transitional state .
20 I find that an extraordinary statement of policy , because I had always believed that , in so far as it had any justification at all , the Labour party 's commitment to unilateralism , to the closure of bases , to the withdrawal from NATO , was based on a principle — on a deeply held conviction that those things were wrong .
21 This approach stems from a strongly held belief that voluntary action represents a major force for positive environmental change .
22 It is a commonly held fallacy that the caper is the pickled seed of the nasturtium plant , although it is easy to see how this theory may have developed , as they are very similar in shape and are from a spreading plant of a very similar habit .
23 There is a commonly held fallacy that taking control of your life in any way , be it in terms of changed food intake , exercise , or anything else , means that you have to be extra-strict and rigid in your approach .
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