Example sentences of "a [noun] to set [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Talks held on July 23 between the deputy chairmen of the Russian and Ukrainian parliaments , Yury Yazov and Vasiliy Dudinets respectively , ended with a decision to set up a joint parliamentary commission based in Sevastopol to supervise observance of the Dagomys agreement .
2 For example there may be a decision to set up an expensive data-processing facility in order to cut the costs of data-processing .
3 a grant to set up an illicit still
4 THE French government has launched a programme to set up a nationwide telecommunications research network , in an effort to catch up with Britain 's JANET system and Germany 's DFN .
5 This money was initially paid out to distributors as a stimulus to set up a network of satellite producers but , after the corporation had trouble recovering the £3 million invested in Korda 's British Lion , money was directed into individual projects which they thought had commercial potential , as the percentage of the budget ( usually 30 per cent ) that could n't be raised from a distributor .
6 POLITICS and big business have killed a plan to set up a ‘ small is beautiful ’ centre in south London .
7 Guatemala 's Minister of Energy and Mines has announced a plan to set up a series of solar generating stations in rural areas currently without electricity , and similar initiatives are being considered by the governments of El Salvador and Panama .
8 If that was unacceptable in Britain , how much more so would be a proposal to set up a porno cinema at Heathrow or Gatwick ?
9 A few years later there was a proposal to set up a council , composed exclusively of professional diplomats who had served abroad for at least seven years , to advise the king on foreign affairs .
10 All regimental organisations and groups in the Stockton area are invited to a meeting in the town 's RAFA club tomorrow to discuss a proposal to set up a confederation of ex-service organisations .
11 Already huge controversy has been provoked by some researchers ' attempts to claim effective ownership of human genes through patenting and by a proposal to set up a UK national database of ‘ DNA fingerprints ’ to enable the rapid identification and capture of violent criminals .
12 The US and Mexican governments are examining a proposal to set up an environmental fund to help tackle pollution problems on the border between the two countries .
13 In relation to the call for a specialist nurse , a campaign to set up a Diabetes Education Unit attached to the clinic would be more appropriate to the needs of the diabetic population .
14 In relation to the call for a specialist nurse , a campaign to set up a Diabetes Education Unit attached to the clinic , would be more appropriate to the needs of the diabetic population .
15 The governors fear that a move to set up a panel to consider the introduction of grammar schools threatens their status and stability .
16 PEERS last night inflicted a 55-vote defeat on the Government 's plans to tighten asylum controls , backing a move to set up a special advisory panel for young refugees .
17 The close division , during the Asylum And Immigration Appeals Bill 's report stage , comes after Tuesday 's defeat for ministers when a move to set up a special advisory panel for young refugees was backed with a margin of 55 .
18 Having established a context , in the second section Sukenick presents the attempts of a group to set up a commune within the country of Frankenstein ( a transparent label for the USA ) .
19 At the beginning of the New Year — or perhaps in a couple of months time at the beginning of the new financial year — there is often a need to set up a spreadsheet that shows a time series .
20 The first drafts of the play are concerned to set the pattern of action and feeling rather than with the exploration of individual characters — this formalistic approach to his task was demonstrated in the preparation of a later drama , when he used a blackboard to set out the play and used symbols to denote his characters .
21 It took a crew of sixty a week to set up the stage and seating in front of the ruined tithe barn in the grounds of Sudeley Castle for the four day festival .
22 In a commitment to set up a Department for Legal Administration , Labour 's alternative White Paper stated :
23 Since the Minister is anxious to avoid giving a commitment to set up a further education council , perhaps he could use the opportunity of replying to the debate to rule out a possibility which was raised in the press last year .
24 Modrow did not return with more than a commitment to set up a joint commission of experts to consider monetary union ( which first met on Feb. 20 in East Berlin ) .
25 Labour is committed to introducing during its first year in power a Bill to set up a Scottish parliament to be elected by proportional representation .
26 On April 22 the National Shengo ( parliament ) , summoned by Mengistu to find ways of " resolving the problem politically and peacefully " , approved a resolution to set up a " peace forum with all opposition parties and unity forces " , which would install a transitional government .
27 James granted two Edinburgh businessmen a patent to set up a printing press and produce books at reasonable prices : a comfortable monopoly , since at the same time he proscribed the import into Scotland of any books printed abroad .
28 The story was told in detail by a descendant of these settlers , the historian Charon , who , being one of the earliest Greek historians , was in a position to set up a model .
29 We are now in a position to set up a computerised database of these groups , but before proceeding any further and given the time-lapse since the original proposal to establish such a facility , I wonder if you could confirm that this would still be a useful tool and that it is within the original thinking .
30 The two other finalists are MARSNET , a scheme to set up a network of seismological and meteorological stations on the surface of MARS , and STEP , a set of instruments designed to provide accurate tests of the principle of equivalence between inertial and gravitational mass .
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