Example sentences of "a [noun] to see the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Will over £1100 was made down there and it was always a pleasure to see the happy throng that congregated daily .
2 " Certainly it would be a tragedy to see the two most powerful nations on earth destroying each other in such a way , " he agreed , " and let us pray that such a day never comes . "
3 All have a right to see the new architecture planned for their town .
4 The visitors expressed a desire to see the farther end of the garden .
5 It was a shock to see the bare evidence of what that kind of captivity could do to a man , and feel the sense of despair at what he had lost .
6 Hike the open moorland above Helmsley on this 12 mile route which promises spectacular views and a chance to see the odd grouse or two .
7 The public will get a chance to see the new unit at an open day on Saturday from 10am to 3pm .
8 A statute empowering a public body to dispense with a hearing will , for example , be interpreted to allow oral hearings to be omitted ; courts will lean against allowing a tribunal to decide a matter without giving the individual a chance to see the opposing case and have his own considered .
9 But from this weekend the public gets a chance to see the old phrase turned on its head .
10 In those days the infant Crocker had run up paths lightly and gleefully to bang on a knocker or ring a bell and , elated with an enormous naughtiness , hidden behind a hedge to see the angry householder erupt and curse .
11 It was a relief to see the last of them .
12 It was quite a sight to see the poor ladies who accompanied her , some of them quite stout , being pushed from behind or dragged from the front over these obstacles while the Empress laughed like a child to see their stricken faces and the piteous condition of their coiffures .
13 The broader the array of surviving sources the more likely future historians will be in a position to see the late twentieth century as the rich and diverse world that it really was .
14 It was a triumph to see the Grand National from so many angles — far better than being there — to have the camera on the winning boat , to watch the two FA Cup semi-finals , one after the other , and to round off the day with Nigel Mansell 's win in the Brazilian Grand Prix .
15 But Belle heard the footsteps coming towards her and opened her eyes a crack to see the huge leather shoes next to her .
16 As he continued to climb , the sea appeared less troubled and it came as a surprise to see the white turmoil round the foot of each headland and promontory .
17 At times of apparent stability , contentment , and political success , there has been a tendency to see the political culture in idealized terms , to hold it aloft and laud it as a culture to be admired and possibly even envied .
18 She had assumed his letters were the product of his lifelong rage , the festering cancer of his childhood , driving him into unreasonable behaviour , and a tendency to see the worst in anyone who was a friend of Charles .
19 Salzburg is not far away and is well worth a visit to see the wonderful Baroque architecture of this elegant city .
20 It is surely a simplification to see the latter simply as ‘ applied ’ sciences ; they embody a different stance and intention , which may in turn generate its own ‘ theories of action ’ , which will be explored in Chapter 3 .
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