Example sentences of "a [noun] carry out [art] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the shortcomings of the assumptions made about cause and effect in the relationship between man and the environment ( and man with man ) the model shows how the use of a computer to carry out the vast number of calculations necessary to realize the model can allow the consideration of a very complex situation on lines not previously possible .
2 If I signed a contract to carry out a complete refurbishment of the interior of your house I have an obligation to fulfil that contract .
3 From July it will be illegal for anyone other than a vet to carry out the operation .
4 At some point individuals must administer , you ca n't have a committee carrying out the
5 For example , detaining a child would be false imprisonment but for the fact that the law permits a teacher to carry out a reasonable punishment .
6 This potentially infringes the " undivided loyalty " rule , even if the information about B was unknown to the individual advising A. If the information was passed on to A the firm would , however , breach its duty of confidentiality to B. A final example is that of a broker/dealer carrying out an agency cross and matching the transactions of two clients .
7 The European Commissioner for the environment has said that he believes that there has been a failure to carry out a proper environmental impact assessment .
8 that the riots did not reflect a failure to carry out the ‘ urgent programme of action ’ recommended by Lord Scarman in 1981 , but were the outcome of a spiralling wave of crime and disorder in inner-city areas .
9 This can be the outcome of ( a ) a process which selects only those facts which prove a given case , and omits others — an intentional distortion of evidence ; or ( b ) an unwitting omission , a failure to carry out the exhaustive search for evidence which should characterise historical study .
10 Your Lordships are motivated by a desire to carry out the intentions of Parliament in enacting legislation and have no intention or desire to question the processes by which such legislation was enacted or of criticising anything said by anyone in Parliament in the course of enacting it .
11 Where there exists such a reluctance to carry out the correct diagnostic procedures or , as is often the case , there is simply a dearth of properly trained specialists , the natural result is treatment without diagnosis , the haphazard use of antibiotics ( such as penicillin for all urethral discharges ) , and an increase in antibiotic resistance of the gonococci coupled with an infuriating denial of the problem , ‘ Just look at our figures .
12 In the case of " wash trading " however , a trader carries out a pre-arranged trade which is essentially fictitious .
13 The ASB also published with the Foreword an exposure draft of a foreword carrying out the same role for Urgent Issues Task Force abstracts .
14 Guidance should be given as appropriate to ensure that a student carries out the investigation involving mathematical techniques or skills acquired within the module .
15 SIR STEPHEN BROWN P. This is an application by a health authority for a declaration to authorise the surgeons and staff of a hospital to carry out an emergency caesarean operation upon a patient , who I shall refer to as ‘ Mrs. S. ’
16 Whatever the problems for a school carrying out a review , there remains an ambiguity about where the locus of curricular control lies .
17 The following points are relevant to whether we are in a position to carry out the engagement :
18 The solicitor gives advice and has the conduct of the business of the client from day to day and will retain a barrister to carry out a specific task in handling the client 's business .
19 In one instance various methods were contemplated to abate the odour from a maggot farm without success , catalytic incineration finally proving successful , and in another extreme case a company carried out the following trials , without success , in an attempt to abate the odour emanating from their factory :
20 Submissions for the European award are based on self-appraisal , whereby a company carries out a systematic review and measurement of its operations .
21 Atiyah , op. cit. ( pp. 34–38 ) , referring to the bills of exchange position before the 1882 Act , to ‘ golden handshake ’ transactions and forbearance to sue , and the one-time ability to enforce a promise to pay a statute-barred debt ( abolished by the Limitation Acts ) and to enforce a promise to carry out a promise given for consideration during infancy ( abolished by the Infants Relief Act 1874 ) argues that ‘ … the rule about past consideration is too broadly stated .
22 Finally , if you need a builder to carry out a substantial amount of work on your house after you have purchased it , it is worth considering taking out a BEC Insurance Guarantee for the building work : details in Appendix .
23 The building owner may either employ a builder to carry out the work or opening up and eradication , or he may call in one of the numerous specialist firms to deal with the attack .
24 Employing the services of a professional to carry out the necessary legalities is imperative .
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