Example sentences of "a [noun sg] to get the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But , when it 's switched on , the motor will go at a good jogging speed , though you need to pedal a bit to get the pace up .
2 Until recently women have had a struggle to get the unions to espouse their interests .
3 Postie Jim Goldsmith used a canoe to get the mail through at PAPWORTH ST AGNES , Cambs .
4 She guessed that the alternative manufacturer must be deliberately making a loss to get the contract .
5 Now Steve 's lawyer Martin Plowman is going to court in a bid to get the council decision overturned .
6 David and Linda Leeder , of Wayside , Shalford , near Braintree met the archdeacon of Colchester , the Very Reverend Ernest Stroud in a bid to get the church to change its mind over the refusal .
7 THE GOVERNMENT and army drew up a secret 50-60 point peace plan in a bid to get the IRA to extend its Christmas ceasefire .
8 You place the slightly warm etching plate , so if you pop it on there for about half a second to get the printing ink nicely mobile and you put it printing ink face up .
9 Towards the end , there was this haste , a determination to get the work done .
10 When you have got the needle in , it 's a battle to get the syringe on , and then it 's difficult to get any blood out of him because he 's so tense . ’
11 Emmanuel Guhirwa , the student affairs officer at Liverpool John Moores , said : ‘ At the start of each year we have a campaign to get the message about personal and home security across .
12 Such a man was Salah Muhammad , of Huaiwiri , who pursued a campaign to get the girls there to attend school after puberty .
13 ’ Could we just think about my idea , while look for a place to get the ceptors repaired … ? ’
14 Such are the weaknesses of human nature that initial enthusiasm sometimes overcomes care and prudence in a desire to get the show on the road .
15 The Second Front Campaign produced the biggest demonstrations of the war period and , most of the time , opinion polls showed that the demonstrators spoke for the majority of a public moved by both feelings of solidarity with the hard-pressed Russians and by a desire to get the war over with .
16 But it is being used I believe as a scapegoat to get the government off the hook for financial reasons .
17 The Carabinieri chief had left at once with a promise of finding the man within the hour , to which he added , sotto voce , a pledge to get the truth out of him by whatever methods might be necessary .
18 It took a while to get the line opened .
19 It took a while to get the focus adjusted .
20 It will take a while to get the body out ; they have to get more guys down there , take photographs ; the usual shit .
21 It was a race to get the car ready in time .
22 And when you can be clear about what it is you want and be clear what it is they want you 've got more of a chance to get the solution to win win rather than if you 're just interested in your position and your side .
23 It took about a minute to get the rifle in place and my head in the correct position , cheek by stock , and still the beast had n't moved a millimetre .
24 In April 1964 I arranged with Roy Dennis , who had recently been appointed as warden of the bird observatory , to visit the island for a week to get the experience and expertise required before I could apply for a permit to catch and ring birds .
25 It took something near a miracle to get the Everton bandwagon rolling in 1983 and it would take a miracle to start it going again .
26 ‘ It was a relief to get the uncertainty out of the way , ’ says Mr Reed , ‘ but it was also pretty intimidating to have the full power of the law thrown at you . ’
27 It will be a relief to get the wrangling over with , so that Maastricht 's big promises and improbable programme for monetary union can be tried out on an enlarged Community .
28 As one industrial relations manager in RENFE commented , ‘ control is very difficult , and it is the responsibility of the head of a workplace to get the service out , which he is going to do however he can , as long as he does n't overrun his budget ’ ( fieldnotes ) .
29 A sight to get the taste buds going … especially if you 've been sleeping rough the night before .
30 What I suggest is you realised you could n't have failed to realise she was there , but you were in too much of a hurry to get the bed up and check was n't under there .
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