Example sentences of "and they give [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 and er I went there and they give me an estimate and erm when it went in the contacts she does was er no , it 's it 's more than we thought because the chassis 's twisted or
2 And they give them a gill of whisky that was supposed to be for their lunch you see .
3 the only reason that police get away with drink driving is cos half the buggers are Masons and they give them the old funny hand shake and its oh on your way sir
4 The majority of the people in this town is lovely people , the council and the police are first class and they give us a fair crack of the whip all the way .
5 The majority of the people in this town is lovely people , the council and the police are first class and they give us a fair crack of the whip all the way .
6 And they give us a , like a cheque type thing what you 've got to fill your name and address in back
7 And I mean the nurses and everybody , the doctors were really great , and they give us the best of treatment there , and I do n't think you 'll speak to anybody that was in the hospital that 'll say anything differently , they were really great .
8 Then you have a bath and they give you a towel and soap .
9 When you 're a child they say , ‘ You know you should n't do that ’ , and they give you a bloody good rollicking and leave it at that — they try to terrify you .
10 In the sense that you 've got no control over your portfolio at all , and it 's just invested and they give you a statement .
11 You ask how they know and they give you a vague description about the pelvis , etc. etc. , and you go away not altogether satisfied with the explanations .
12 And erm at the end of the week she 'll come and pick it up , pick the tape up and they give you a voucher for twenty five pounds for Marks 's for doing it .
13 Because er while I 've had wedding cake from people and and they give you a little bit and I 've said to you have n't I , well I would n't have bothered giving anybody this .
14 Yeah under question things and they give you the answers in blue .
15 Good grief it must cost them a fortune to erm you know , pay for all these then , so they give you the Walkman to , while you 're doing this and they give you the batteries , tt
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