Example sentences of "and the return to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the second instance of the link between the mother and the return to darkness , it can be seen how the mother in our everyday world stands as a figure in which the individual may lose him or herself .
2 The value of shares in firm A is V SL and the return to shareholders , assuming that all earnings are distributed , is which is earnings before tax but after debt interest has been deducted as an allowable expense , less corporation tax .
3 My aim was to investigate the symptoms of decay and perhaps to discover in the ‘ capriciousness and the return to chaos ’ a law which would vouchsafe one an insight into the intimate workings of art .
4 These included a change in the constitutional status of the province so as to make it subordinate to Serbia , the imposition of Serbocroatian as the official language , the dismissal from the Kosovo government of ‘ Albanian chauvinists ’ and of Serbian ‘ opportunists and careerists ’ , and the return to Kosovo of Serbian emigrants ( NIN , 9 November 1986 ) .
5 The government said that it had agreed to allow the phased release of around 1,300 political prisoners after Sept. 1 , and the return to South Africa of around 22,000 anti-government exiles after Oct. 1 .
6 Since then NMW has carried out a heavy rationalisation programme and the return to profits has come despite a fall in turnover from £5.92m to £4.66m .
7 Places on the route through France described in the book are Châlons , Lyons , Avignon , and Marseilles ; it also includes a visit to Nice , and the return to Genoa by the Corniche route .
8 Caesar figures could delay the collapse of civilization and the return to barbarism .
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