Example sentences of "and wait for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If he , Neil , was content to leave the house unwatched by day , and to spend his time looking at rocks on the broch island , then I could stay indoors with a clear conscience , and wait for the rainstorm to pass .
2 The road serves the village of Barashevo and sometimes the civilians have to stand behind the lines of the guards and wait for the columns of criminals to go by before they can proceed on their way .
3 Many so-called estate agents merely place advertisements and wait for the telephone to ring , which is not a successful method , particularly in a poor market like this . ’
4 The supposition being that it 's always easier for the offspring just to sit on the nest and wait for the parent .
5 Design indented shorelines with sloping shelves and islands , fill it up with water , plant vegetation — and wait for the wildfowl to fly in to the resulting ‘ dug out ’ lake .
6 ‘ We 'll sit tight and wait for the storm to blow itself out . ’
7 I had to be patient and wait for the tide to turn , ’ he said .
8 What Robbins has , very cleverly , done is to drop a match into the murky kerosene of American politics and wait for the explosion .
9 After this she would return to the far wall and wait for the papers to be put back into place , so she could repeat the game .
10 The flat unleavened bread recalls the haste of their departure ( no time to use yeast and wait for the bread to rise ) .
11 And Northumberland had chosen , rather than pursue them with a force then quite inadequate , to gather his and his sons ' levies and wait for the marauders to return .
12 He advised the ladies to walk towards the town and wait for the men at the first hotel .
13 Do not bombard the water with groundbait and feed , but begin with the ‘ little and often ’ approach and wait for the fishing to develop .
14 Seated in one of Kanazawa Industrial University library 's viewing booths , they just pick the tape they want to see front the list displayed , punch in its number , then sit back and wait for the programme to start .
15 But grypesh do much the same as we do : they hole up and wait for the weather to pass . ’
16 It was only after they had peered into and groped about in what they felt certain was the right cave but found nothing that they decided to withdraw into the trees and wait for the dawn .
17 Many anglers arrive for a couple of days fishing and seem quite happy to bivvy up in one swim and wait for the zander to arrive .
18 Silent amid the crowd 's applause , they breathe deeply and steadily as they mount the bike , control the trembling of the hands and wait for the time-keeper 's ‘ Allez ! ’
19 In fact , all a person would need to do in the middle of a Darkfall storm would be to remain calm , not touch anything — unless he or she is wearing gloves and wait for the effect to pass .
20 So they swing a bit of incense about , and wait for the workmen to come back and investigate .
21 Agents were pondering whether they should n't ‘ hang on to thee rights , and wait for the time when they 're equipped to sell them , ’ as conference chairman Tony Feldman put it later .
22 Later , you pull up your pants and wait for the pain to go away .
23 If you are not sure you can cope , take an oven timer , turn it round to half a minute and wait for the bell to ring .
24 After that , I sit on our front step and wait for the ambulance .
25 Against this background of craters and devastated buildings people sit in the sun at cafes open again for a town which has nothing else to do but drink coffee and wait for the future .
26 He is said to sink onto his knee on the track and wait for the train to end his life ; the train crews used to look out for the shadowy figure and shudder .
27 examine that report and wait for the results of the erm public consultations .
28 One person , on being informed that he has a life-threatening illness , will sit back in sad acceptance and wait for the end to come .
29 First the then the uniform , then you go and wait for the envelope to come through the door , and it did , reported us to Agricultural College for a month 's training .
30 Research shows that fire bells induce panic and confusion or , even worse , people ignore them and wait for the PA announcement to say that the bells were a false alarm and everybody can now go back to bed .
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