Example sentences of "and putting it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Stay with the traffic , ’ he reiterated , opening the Falkplan for her and putting it above the glove compartment .
2 Taking the score out of my brief-case and putting it on the podium : that is not my way .
3 Lean forward as you rise As in the beach start , by leaning down on a straight front arm you are taking the weight off the back of the board and putting it on the mast foot .
4 Mrs Blakey was already bustling about , taking butter from the fridge and putting it on the edge of the Aga to soften , taking a sliced loaf from the bread-bin .
5 ‘ Try harder , ’ he appealed and , taking her wine glass from her and putting it on the table , he drew her close .
6 A rewarded training trial consisted of transporting a rat in a slowly rotating opaque box from an adjoining room and putting it into the arena at and facing the centre of the N , S , E or W side-wall ( shown as an unfilled circle ) from which it could move around freely until it found the F+ feeder ; a non-rewarded trial lasted 60s and was conducted without either landmarks or feeders .
7 Using the trowel she chipped at the ground outside the door , prising cold earth from among the prickly stems and broken bricks , gathering it with her hands and putting it into the bucket .
8 A dozen years ago , half ICI 's sales were in the UK , tying the company 's fortunes to Britain 's anaemic manufacturing industry and putting it at a colossal disadvantage to rivals in more robust economies ; last year , the proportion was down to 21% , against 31% in the Americas , 25% in continental Europe , 17% in the Asia-Pacific region and 6% elsewhere .
9 She ought to unpack , but she only got as far as getting out Ricky 's photograph in its blue silk frame and putting it beside the bed .
10 On the facts of the two cases it was unnecessary to decide whether , as argued by Mr. Jeffreys , the mere taking of the article from the shelf and putting it in a trolley or other receptacle amounted to the assumption of one of the rights of the owner , and hence an appropriation .
11 And presumably the advantage of using a computer for that is much greater than the mere saving of time in a library and taking out a card and putting it in a wallet or erm a card folder or something like that , because you can retain in your computer a lot of information about what books are in the library and what books are out with lenders and so on .
12 And presumably the advantage of using a computer for that is much greater than the mere erm saving of time in a librarian taking out a card and putting it in a wallet or a card folder or something like that , because you can retain in your computer a lot of information about what books are in the library and what books are out with lenders and so on .
13 So Dymo effectively uses FDC as a data collection device , collecting the data locally , validating it , and putting it in an electronic format for automatic transfer to the head office for consolidation .
14 Breeders can increase production by taking an egg away and putting it in an incubator to hatch .
15 In fact it 's sometimes said that it 's one of the very great privileges of the public is that they can , by dint of writing something , and putting it in an envelope with a stamp on it , get it to arrive on an editor 's desk , and have the editor at least give a cursory glance if not a more serious glance at what 's going on , so it 's a privilege and it 's an opportunity in that case .
16 He 's saving three pounds a week and putting it in the post office at hoe .
17 and putting it in the leg .
18 But John Wainfleet would only confess to taking Sean 's knife and putting it in the pond as a joke .
19 The Immigration ( Carriers ' Liability ) Act 1987 was an abominable piece of legislation , privatising immigration and putting it in the hands of aircraft and shipping companies , encouraging the use of bogus identity documents and , in many cases , making it impossible for legitimate asylum seekers to leave their own countries .
20 ‘ If they keep their bikes in garages , they should consider removing a wheel and putting it in the house .
21 ‘ The idea of nicking a Stones riff and putting it behind a James Brown backbeat and howling over the top is pretty appealing , but it 's not really what we 're into as a band .
22 ‘ The idea of nicking a Stones riff and putting it behind a James Brown backbeat and howling over the top is pretty appealing , but it 's not really what we 're into as a band .
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