Example sentences of "and running [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The accounts are processed by the Systems Union SunAccount system , supplied by Eclipse Computing , and running on a Risc-based Unix computer from DEC .
2 Stoddard 's Engineering and Tuners will be well practised at crossing the Atlantic by the time these matches are established and running on the other side of ‘ the pond ’ .
3 So hopefully by the erm , I should be in a position by the next Council meeting , to report that we should be in a position to be up and running on the seventeenth of January .
4 Rincewind reached the stairway , sucking his bruised hand and running with a curious , bent-over gait .
5 DEC claims 2,000 development sites for OSF/1 1.2 on Alpha , with 400 applications up and running with a further 1,000 committed .
6 From nowhere a Mamba appears and I 'm up and running with the bleeding pigeon up my jumper playing the bongos on my chest .
7 The ‘ Megatop Phoenix ’ era finds Mick wrestling with poor returns , but with the inception of BAD II he 's on the track once more , wearing daft hats and running with the oldest , coolest street gang in the business .
8 He says there is a Sun-based banking network linking St Petersburg , Tumin and Moscow up and running with an electronic fund transfer link to the US , 40 Sparcstations at the Dubna Joint Institute for Research and a dozen running Computervision Corp CAD/CAM software down in Taginrog at an engineering firm whose name in English means Red Boilermaker .
9 He says there is a Sun-based banking network linking St Petersburg , Tumin and Moscow up and running with an electronic fund transfer link to the US , 40 Sparcstations at the Dubna Joint Institute for Research and a dozen running ComputerVision CAD/CAM software down in Taginrog at an engineering firm whose name in English means Red Boilermaker .
10 Having lived in Australia for some years and witnessed forest fires , leaping from tree to tree and running along the thin covering of bush and grass , I could enter imaginatively into the prophet 's experience .
11 And running under a certain island which is called Clauda , we had much work to come by the boat : which when they had taken up , they used helps , undergirding the ship ; and , fearing lest they should fall into the quicksands , struck sail , and so were driven . ’
12 ‘ This has been a big exercise , ’ said Crawford , ‘ but it is all nearing completion now and the new systems should be up and running during the next six months . ’
13 After exhausting the gamut of expression from Cockney pub-talk to Dante , and running across the broad acres of comparative religion from intichiuma to St Magnus Martyr , Eliot seems to be generating the commands of a new religion reborn from the old , by returning in his rainmaking to the origin of religious rites .
14 Garrison Savanah has a few tales to tell … he won the big race at Cheltenham 3 years ago and tomorrow the Gloucestershire favourite will be off and running for the big prize at Newbury
15 A Charter making Stockport a free borough was granted by the Earl of Chester in about 1220 ; and a second Charter granted in 1260 gave the right to hold a market each Friday and an annual Fair , commencing on St. Wilfred 's Day and running for the seven days following .
16 A moment later he was up and running towards the blazing buildings in the Circle .
17 Unilinx services should be up and running by the first quarter of next year .
18 The problem will be getting the company up and running before the best players in the Kings ice hockey team leave .
19 New works by Elaine Reichek , Cary S. Leibowitz/Candyass and Beverly Semmes round out the group , opening on 6 July and running until the 31st .
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