Example sentences of "and move [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Just mention it and move on to the weather , football , the SDP and whether it will turn political , anything .
2 If you are one of these people , I suggest that you stop reading this and move on to the next chapter .
3 As a result , you keep wishing they 'd wind up this particular gag and move on to the next item , a frustration which makes the film seem drawn out and sluggish .
4 Only when that topic is fully discussed can you sit back and think " what next ? " and move on to the next paragraph .
5 We eat , we enjoy it or not as the case may be , and move on to the next thing .
6 In the examination itself , divide up the time on the basis of how the marks are likely to be distributed ; if you run out of time for your first answer , quickly sketch a conclusion and move on to the next question , so that you have provided at least a general indication of work in all the questions .
7 There , it seemed , commentary was powerless and pointless ; he would simply read the text aloud and move on to the next poem .
8 I turn away immediately and move on up the lane .
9 The first contains a few records , so collect them and slide down the ice into the water , this is extremely easy so just use the map to reach the room containing the concert poster , records and a ‘ ? ’ ( worth 50 points ) , grab 'em all and move up to the extra life , then to the ladder and get the heart if you need it , walk right , go up the ladder and down the other side , pick up the crate and jump into the water .
10 Now it can detach itself and move about within the pouch , but it will remain dependent upon her milk until it is eighteen months old .
11 We watched the men bundle up their parachutes and move off through the dense undergrowth , chopping at it with jungle machetes .
12 What is apt to happen when we strike a solid is that a whole series of stress waves radiate from the point of impact and move off into the body of the material .
13 I shut the window and move back into the room .
14 These must follow the example of the hands and move back down the board as the wind increases .
15 Let us now leave the Great Russians of the Kursk guberniia and move out of the hills to the south of Nikol'skaia volost' .
16 There is no significant change in Government expenditure which we really need to try to boost the economy and move out of the recession .
17 From here you go south-west to posts 41 and 42 and move out of the forest and follow the line of the wall to the summit of Grisedale Pike .
18 Occasionally they would get a little wary and move out of the swim but only to return a few minutes later to the area that they had apparently cleared for spawning .
19 He was just getting out of the car and he could just get back in it and move out with the same expertise .
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