Example sentences of "and put it in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Put layer after layer of washed , fresh runner beans and plenty of salt in a large-necked earthenware container , cover the neck with a cloth and put it in a cool , dark place .
2 I removed this fish and put it in a quarantine tank and I treated both the Damsel and the fish in the main tank with Cuprazin .
3 We 'll probably wait for some boring moment on the tour and go over it , collect it and put it in a book for posterity ! ’
4 Its unique refill system makes it very economical — when you have finished one bottle simply take the pump-mechanism out and put it in a refill — you can do this up to ten times .
5 Nevertheless the constructive work of Communists in the Blitz and the war factories kept the Party alive and put it in a good position to exploit the opportunities for expansion that followed Hitler 's invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 .
6 ‘ I tried to go over the fiction I 'd done , pull out the subtext and put it in a form that you could give to an audience at a world 's fair at the end of the century .
7 Break up the chocolate and put it in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water .
8 Chop some dried grass into small pieces and put it in a saucepan with water .
9 He could take the redundancy money and put it in a separate account !
10 I had wrapped the vase carefully in newspaper and put it in a string bag , which I slung over my shoulder .
11 Put in as many as the bottle will hold conveniently , and put it in a warm sunny place for 12 hours , and keep warm for the next 12 , then remove the spikes .
12 Lyn put a cloth on a tray and laid it and on an impulse picked a small blue iris and put it in a vase to go on the tray as well .
13 Then the Dawn Maiden gave him one of the Sun 's burning rays ; she wound it up like a ribbon and put it in a box which she hung round his neck .
14 Well , you take that out of the stream , take it home , bake it , powder it and put it in a box ; and you use oils with it the same as you do for the milch .
15 So with this going on we found our company would get on better if I had collateral so I wrote to this boy and asked him for a million and put it in a trust fund that I would get after his death , and we that way so okay .
16 Maurin picked up the gun and put it in a pocket .
17 Melissa rewrapped the tissue and put it in a drawer .
18 You would need to take each such problem word and put it in a set of sentences and drill on it , e.g : This is my 'photograph .
19 It was my job to go to all these various places and collect the money and take the numbers on the till and collect the money and put it in a bag , put it in the safe .
20 But in latter days they came with a tank and they put it out and put it in a trailer you see but I just worked with bags when it was the first of it .
21 We have to get special stuff called bulb fibre and wet it and put it in a bowl and then we plant our bulbs in it . ’
22 Each book should have a card within it , and when you take the book you sign and date the card and put it in a box at the location of the books .
23 I 'm not looking to give you constructive feedback on them , I 'm just looking to see what grade it gets so you go down and put it in a pigeon hole .
24 The remedial action that had to be taken was painful in the extreme but it saved ICI Fibres and put it in a position of strength for the future .
25 What and put it in a ?
26 and put it in a glass jar with some water , put a lid on tightly .
27 You see I put me poster up in the window and then me flipping dad said to me I do n't know whether you should have that poster up , what if Miss is around , Conservative , so I bloody took it down and put it in a magazine , I thought when we 've got
28 Me go and put it in a drink
29 So we says to him , why did n't he get a half of lager a h a bottle of Kaliber which is a half of lager non-alcohol , and put it in a pint glass .
30 No one 's gon na buy unless you go and put it in a
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