Example sentences of "and thus [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The federal project in Europe would in some respects have enlarged Westminster 's competence , because of the capacity it accorded Europe 's national governments to take on the world 's financial markets and thus broaden the taxing , spending and borrowing options that have been , up until now , in the shadow of highly conservative directors of international capital flows .
2 One week previously an independent member of the Országgyüles , Eva Balla , had joined the party and thus became the party 's first representative in parliament .
3 The ‘ elect ’ are saved from this just punishment because of a new ‘ covenant of grace ’ established in Jesus Christ : he fulfilled the terms of the covenant of works , bore the penalty for Adam 's breaking of it , and thus became the means of salvation for the elect .
4 The Elves landed and thus began the battle of the waves .
5 The theorists were adamant , though , and thus began the hunt for the ‘ missing mass ’ — unobserved dark stuff that would bring W up to 1 .
6 But behind this there lies a period , obscurely documented , in which there was far greater freedom and equality among the cities — an era brought to a sharp end by the threat of foreign conquest , which drew the Greek cities together in heroic resistance to the Persian invaders — and thus began the process which ended in the effective dominance of Sparta and Athens over their neighbours .
7 First , parties facilitate the aggregation of the large number of group and sectional interests that arise and thus present the electorate with a clarified choice of issues ; second , they organize and mobilize the electorate ; third , they recruit leaders and provide governments ; and fourth , they initiate and oversee the implementation of government policy .
8 Problem factoring is the rationale for organization ; organization permits factoring and thus facilitates the management of problems .
9 A sudden emergency in the ward would necessitate extra staff and thus signal the end of the teaching session .
10 Consequently , the last line of his life parroted the last line of his masterpiece : at his funeral a picket of soldiers turned up to fire a volley over the coffin , and thus bid the state 's traditional farewell to one of its most improbable and sardonic chevaliers .
11 The Agricultural Training Board was set up in 1966 to improve the technical performance of workers in the industry and thus to widen the number of job opportunities for them .
12 The heat from the steam jacket causes the liquid to vaporise and thus remove the stopper .
13 Its conclusion is that we can only hope to show that we understand propositions about the mental states of others if we take there to be a non-contingent relation between mental states and behaviour , and thus remove the possibility that the two should come apart .
14 Walter Monckton , his legal adviser , seized the point , and on Saturday , 5 December , asked almost as a condition of Abdication , that a special bill should be introduced to make the decree immediately absolute , and thus remove the danger .
15 The drive towards economic and political union has the tendency to convert what were previously international transactions into internal transactions , and thus reduces the sphere of influence of Conventional law within the EEC .
16 A further advantage which is claimed for this legislation is that it spells out precisely what forms of conduct are included within each degree of offence , and thus reduces the discretion of police officers and prosecutors .
17 For by doing so we can change ourselves and thus change the world around us .
18 Several authorities raised the number of special places ( accessible by open competition ) and thus reduced the number of fee-payers .
19 The Clacton side of Jim Dove , Gary Ridgeon , Daniel Burrell and Emma Cartwright beat Braintree B 6–3 and thus take the Division Three title .
20 Many mentions of mental handicap in the press stem from coverage in other media ( new books , plays , films etc ) and thus take the form of criticism .
21 Such an arrangement would encourage defendants to plead guilty to the lesser offence and thus spare the complainant the trauma of giving evidence in court .
22 The Independent of May 2 pointed out that with two minor cases concerning Urbatechnic going through the courts the commission " would probably have to declare most of Urba 's affairs sub judice and thus spare the socialists themselves " .
23 Even where the government pays for the mechanical means of conservation entirely ( and thus avoids the problems of a lack of capital or labour on the part of the farmer , his inability to forgo food crops for a season , and the reduction of his perception of the risks involved even if his private resources are sufficient ) , such an act engenders apathy on the part of the farmer , who regards the work as belonging to the state ( FAO 1966 : 172 , for a project in Morocco ) .
24 It facilitates the development of a sophisticated financial system and thus avoids the need for a pure cash economy , i.e. payment in notes and coin only .
25 It makes for easy division of the labour force into ‘ essential ’ and ‘ inessential ’ workers , and thus avoids the need to consider whether there is any degree of essential interdependence between them .
26 Clearly , however , the disputed collectorship was creating an unusually good opportunity for the enemies of the Montrose interest to split that interest and thus prepare the way for an attack upon it on a future occasion .
27 Experimenters who expected their subjects to be brighter behaved differently towards the rats and thus affected the rats ' learning abilities .
28 This incident was an isolated one , but it served to highlight the overlap between the possible measures of performance that had been considered ; an undetected error not only slowed down the payment of the expenses , but could also have bought into question the honesty of the individual and thus affected the status of the section head .
29 It should also be noted that in granting permission for a particular use a local planning authority may impose conditions restricting that use and thus prevent the changes in use allowed by the Order .
30 In its most rigorous form ( of which the Schools Council 's Integrated Humanities Project is probably the best known ) , the project is closely monitored and an evaluator is appointed to guide institutions participating by means of careful questioning and thus shape the project 's development ( Shipman , 1985 ) .
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