Example sentences of "and come [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You can also circle your hips , swooping down to your heels as you go round and come up to the other side !
2 Sam , you often come over to England , so why not bring Anna next time , and come up to the Midlands ? ’
3 ‘ Everybody here has studied U2 's success and come up with a step by step guide of how to make it in the music business .
4 The Wurzel is the most sophisticated and its inventor has studied heron behaviour and come up with a radical audible warn-off .
5 Six months later , however , the Society , with UMF 's agreement , hired Touche Ross to look at UMF 's business and come up with a plan of action .
6 If I could just discover one , and come up with a catchy marketing phrase like ‘ Turn on , Tune in , Drop out ’ , I might well become the next Timothy Leary .
7 All told that is some 69,370,000 square miles ( and 173,700,000 cubic miles ) of sea ( though the Scottish mapmakers Bartholomew omit all the waters south of Australia , as well as the Timor and the Savu Seas , and come up with a total of 67 million square miles ) .
8 He 'd look at a problem and come up with a totally different answer to the one you 'd expect …
9 A and I can get er Ken and my clerks to ferret through the old contracts , and all the variations that we 've had to date , and come up with a suggested erm latest remit for the project coordinator to approve .
10 functions and come up with a revised profit and loss .
11 Then , when I come to do my illustrations , I can put the sections together in whatever combination I like , and come up with a castle of my own . ’
12 I shall need a first-class advertising agency which can identify the main market and come up with a good campaign to target it , woo it with words and obtain a high conversion rate of sales . ’
13 ‘ We decided that the best approach was to minimise the risk and come up with a way of assessing the quality of the reservoir as we drilled ’ says Mitchell .
14 Following a presentation given by Group environmental manager Jon Lawrence the children were set a questionnaire and asked to design a poster and come up with a project to help safeguard the environment .
15 For a department within C U and er we 've done this design on it , and come up with a new system , that we want to try and sell to other departments within the company .
16 Now if you 're a majority party you can instruct officers to come up with a specially paid reduction pol you pay for the policy , so you can then structure the system or look at the service and come up with a reduction , come up with an expansion
17 ‘ If you let people use their abilities , they will normally walk their way around their difficulties and come up with a straightforward solution , ’ says Neil .
18 The City will bang a few numbers into its computers , mutter something about sector relative p/e ratios and come up with an answer : yes or no .
19 The consequence is that Broad Lane 's two largest personalities have banged their heads together and come up with an undisclosed compromise in an effort to prevent Wivenhoe 's first relegation in 30 years of undiluted success .
20 The start of a New Year is a time for looking back on the past 12 months and also a time when self-styled pundits such as myself are unwisely tempted to look into their crystal balls and come up with the predictions that by the end of the year they may well regret
21 ‘ I was going to pretend something had fallen in , reach into the water and come up with the knife , ’ he said .
22 Do n't work on it together and come up with the same .
23 After lunch he 'd go into the city and come back with a whole armful of roses , the price of many shirts . ’
24 After much remonstrating during which I was told very kindly and politely that there was no problem , till I felt like tearing my hair out , I was sent to sit in a corner ( just a woman you see ) and Mr Fleming was ushered off to meet an official , rush off somewhere and come back with a piece of paper which was duly stamped , passport returned , and off we went to meet our contact , who explained in a jocular fashion that I was the problem .
25 An Irishman had denied belonging to an illegal terrorist organisation ; one of the Sergeants had left the room and come back with a photocopy of a warrant for his arrest issued by the RUC in Dundalk .
26 ‘ And he 'd go away and chuck it in the bin or down the sink and come back with a new one .
27 The first day Emma had escorted Ruth to the gates and come back with a red nose .
28 Budget sub-committee said , we understand that , what we 're asking , what we ask is that the er , director of finance and the Chief Executive look at it and come back with a report .
29 They 're still fighting , which is a good sign and come back with an equaliser just before half-time .
30 However , it got so bad one day — I think he had been discussing this with his father because he used to go home sometimes at the weekends and come back to the flat on Monday — and he came in one day and said , ‘ OK , it 's going to be cabaret ’ .
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