Example sentences of "and see [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think he had to go and see a man about some business , ’ said Mary .
2 ‘ Am I okay , here ? ’ she said , and Coco/Jeanette said , ‘ Sure , ’ and pointed to a place alongside her where Lucy could stand and see a part of the performance without any risk of being seen or getting in the way .
3 No , cos I got ta go and see a friend about something so
4 She remembered she had agreed to go and see a movie with him that evening .
5 A couple of weeks after Brighton she came into the shop , presuming we were going out together that evening — without having told me what she intended , I 'd arranged to go and see a band with a mate from art college .
6 ‘ Why on earth did you not go and see a doctor at your college , after this alleged incident had taken place ? ’ the lawyer demanded .
7 Now , do you want to go and see the specialist about this drink problem , David ?
8 I do n't know , he got another D T and he 's , that 's the fourth time he 's got ta go and see the master about it or something .
9 He invited me to go and see the Church in Africa and fortunately I accepted his invitation before he was recalled to become the APF director .
10 Neither we nor the Western world as such would stand by and see the straits of the Persian Gulf closed to international traffic .
11 I 'll tell you a lovely story when we had the Queen at the day before when we had had the dress rehearsal I 'd been out to erm London to pick erm up an old lady who 's now dead , who very seldom got out and was pretty well house-bound to come and see the rehearsal as a little Sunday treat
12 They do n't occur at a uniform rate , but there 's nothing in Darwinism which implies that they should , but I was looking at some data on radiolarians recently in which about every sixty thousand years there 's a population sample — I mean you can estimate and see the rate at which this stuff is building up — and in no occasion in a period of sixty thousand years did the population change by more than about half a standard deviation .
13 In the profession I would much prefer to see work generated by the directors , and the casting directors taking more trouble to go round and see the actor at work , taking people on the basis of work they had already seen .
14 ‘ Anybody who wants to help out that way can come along and see the kids for themselves .
15 Got ta go and see the guy on the end now .
16 Karen Rigby , regional director of MacIntyres said ‘ She wanted to come and see the project in action and keep it all very informal . ’
17 ‘ Have you got time to come out and see the laibon with me ? ’
18 At the open day mothers can come along and see the facilities for themselves .
19 Henderson is aware that there has been talk of Lennie being lured away but he is confident that the Boro boss will stay and see the Boro into a new era of success .
20 Otherwise you 'd be out more or less into the night because you got to go and see the men at night you see ?
21 I 'm going to try and see the point of you , whatever that point is .
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