Example sentences of "and when i got [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 But I must have felt the need for some support , because I found I 'd grabbed hold of one of my hammers — a geologist is always armed with a hammer — and when I got through to the back of the house he was there already , at the kitchen window . ’
2 And when I got through I knew immediately by the tone of her voice that she was , there was something wrong .
3 10 October , 1903 RAYMOND ASQUITH writes to Lady Manners from Aberdeenshire : ‘ We had a storm yesterday and went out to watch the waves : I ventured too far out onto a rock and was knocked flat on my face against a granite floor by one of the biggest rollers ever seen on this coast : I never felt such a blow ; luckily I fell in a crevice and was n't washed away ; but I was stunned for a few seconds , and when I got up my face and knee were streaming with blood .
4 Dear old Joe seemed just the same , but as I got better , he began to remember I was a gentleman , and call me sir again , and when I got up one morning , I discovered he had gone .
5 I had my camera with me and I saw there was a ladder up on the top deck and when I got up on the top deck it was quite a giddy height , not to be bit I looked at the mast then I climbed up the mast up three quarters of the way up the mast and er the view from up there looked right down on the causeway .
6 When I looked then at first I could n't see , it was all — you know — black like inside my eyes , but I knew they were open and I could hear the kids yelling — and when I got up he was lying on the sofa , snoring — he must 've just dropped me and let me where I lie- ’ She stopped and Clare sat quietly waiting .
7 and I thought , ooh , any way , I went to sleep again and when I got up
8 And when I got back I had ants in my pants ,
9 ‘ I went off to get another one and when I got back to the phone she said ‘ have you got it ? ’ and I thought she meant the new biro , so I said yes and she said goodbye and hung up . ’
10 By this time it was approaching midnight and when I got back to camp and rang Bomber Command the duty officer was most reluctant to put me through to " Bomber " Harris .
11 And when I got back for the last few weeks Mortimer had left … ’
12 ‘ The meeting went on longer than I expected , and when I got back to the car there was a ticket on it .
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