Example sentences of "and in [art] [num ord] century " in BNC.

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1 The French influence here was even greater than in Spain and in the eleventh century the northern region had broken free to become a satellite of Burgundy , though later it became independent .
2 Of the pianos made during the latter part of the 18th century and in the 19th century , those built in the English tradition most clearly demonstrate Cristofori 's design .
3 By the 18th century the castle was beginning to fall into disrepair , and in the 19th century it changed hands several times .
4 The endowment fund for such masses was enormous and in the thirteenth century some system of regulation was required .
5 Nevertheless , two hundred years after Charles 's death , the inhabitants of the lands he had once ruled were identified as Kerlinger , Carlenses : " Charles 's men " ; and in the thirteenth century , when King Louis IX arranged at St-Denis the tombs of the kings who had preceded him , he left two in positions of special honour , the Merovingian Dagobert , greatest of the First Frankish dynasty , and Charles the Bald .
6 In Colombo policemen often took advantage of municipal health , safety and traffic regulations in order to ‘ tax ’ carters , rickshaw drivers and others who made their living on the streets of the capital , and in the twentieth century bus drivers regularly bribed the police .
7 But " hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue " , and in the twentieth century democracy represents political virtue .
8 The supply of coal seemed so vast that no one was willing to concede the possibility of exhaustion in the near future , and in the twentieth century oil began to offer a new source of energy that the scientists and engineers of Jevons ' time had not anticipated .
9 In Northampton , the Pratts were innholders from the reign of Henry VIII to George I , the Lyons family lasted for four generations and in the mid-seventeenth century had three brothers who were prominent in the trade , and the Peaches eventually acquired quite a chain of inns .
10 Many kings in the past have kept collections of animals and in the 12th Century A.D. King Henry I founded the first British zoo .
11 The site of this settlement was in Bredcroft or ‘ Bradcroft ’ meadow , and in the nineteenth century there was still evidence of its existence .
12 Catherine II sharply increased the number , which reached about 38,000 by the end of the century , and in the nineteenth century steady expansion set in bringing the total to some 114,000 by Nicholas I 's death .
13 Earlier atomism had always involved atoms ultimately of the same stuff ; and in the nineteenth century ‘ physical atoms ’ , the real ultimate building-blocks of the world ( probably of very few different sorts ) were distinguished from Dalton 's ‘ chemical atoms ’ , the smallest units taking part in chemical changes .
14 There is copious evidence that less reputable professions attracted many women to them ; and in the tenth century monogamy was not yet the established practice in parts of eastern and northern Europe ; nor , of course , among the Muslims .
15 At times Slavonia in the north and parts of Bosnia in the south were detached , and in the sixteenth century the whole inland area south of the Sava fell to the Turks .
16 The coast at Shurton Bars shelves more gently to the sea than at many points farther west , and in the eighteenth century still provided a landing-place for infrequent trading vessels which brought coal from Wales for coastal lime-kilns and West Somerset hearths .
17 No solution was found : within a few years the European powers were at war again , essentially over the question whether Spain and her colonies were going to pass into the hands of a relation of the King of France or a relation of the Holy Roman Emperor ; in the end they passed into the French line of descent , and in the eighteenth century policy towards France had always to be conducted in the light of the possibility that the French and Spanish government might ally for war .
18 From the seventeenth century , there had been specialized instrument makers ; and in the eighteenth century James Watt was one , who turned his mind to bigger things .
19 If the Emperor was to make any progress in pursuing the English alliance , it was essential that some way be found to produce a common enemy against whom a common front could be established and in the mid-19th century Britain 's only apparent enemy , that is the only one which seemed to threaten her interests , was the Russian Empire .
20 It has an interesting history revealed in the medieval walls which encircle the town and in the 16th century castle with archaeological museum .
21 Oh right , no it 's Olympus and it 's erm why we 're doing this is partly because the European Space Agency is trying to encourage people who were n't previously satellite users to become satellite users and in the next century , or whenever , erm to actually buy commercial satellite time for from them .
22 The popular courts survived far longer , and the royal court remained stronger than elsewhere in northern Europe ; and in the twelfth century the royal court began to grow in importance , until in later centuries it swallowed the jurisdiction of most other courts .
23 The town grew very slowly and in the seventeenth century suffered as a result of the Cromwellian Civil Wars .
24 These are all surmounted by bulbous domes , and in the seventeenth century the brilliant polychrome decorative colour was completed , giving the cathedral its characteristic Russian appearance ( 249 ) .
25 This was a process which extended over a long period , and in the seventeenth century the extent of their privileges in this respect was still far from clear .
26 The greatest concentration of bobbin mills was in the Furness district of what was then north Lancashire , and in the mid-nineteenth century more than fifty mills were at work in the region , making half the bobbins used in the entire textile industry of Britain .
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