Example sentences of "and carry her [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now , though , she was sitting in the dressing-room , not even sure if she could persuade her legs to stand up and carry her to the stage .
2 ‘ Starting right now , this minute … ’ he murmured softly , brushing her lips delicately with his mouth , before quickly sweeping her lightly gowned figure up in his arms and carrying her towards the door .
3 He bent his head and kissed her , his mouth urgent and seeking , before swinging her up into his arms and carrying her through the curtains .
4 He swore softly , colourfully , his face like granite as he swept a gaze round the room before lifting her into his arms and carrying her from the house .
5 Sycorax no longer leaked whatever liquids or foods she was able to consume , as she had during the worst of her fever , and Ariel could prop her up into a sitting position , and then , presenting her shoulders to her , go down on one knee to hoist her piggy-back and carry her to the privy in the forest a few minutes ' walk away .
6 He lifted her naked body , and carried her to a large bed covered by a thin rubber sheet .
7 He strode to her , picked her up and carried her to the bed .
8 He put the tray down , lifted her and carried her to the WC on the landing .
9 So the wise woman , taking a whip in her hand , seated herself on a small carpet and lashed it with the whip until it rose in the air and carried her to the forest .
10 He picked her up and carried her to the stairs .
11 He awkwardly unlocked the door and carried her to the sofa , laying her down as though she weighed nothing at all .
12 He was kissing her hungrily , then he lifted her off her feet and carried her to the water 's edge , resting her on the sand so that their bodies could feel the gentle ebb and fall of the sea against them .
13 Roman caught her before she could fall and carried her to the small settee .
14 The minutes crawled like tired snails , but the ambulance arrived before Tom had returned from making his phone calls in the study , and with the compassionate yet businesslike speed that Belinda never ceased to admire , the paramedic ambulance officers slid Faye on to a stretcher and carried her to the waiting vehicle , where an intravenous line could be set up immediately .
15 He carried her close , oblivious , it seemed , of the water that streamed from her body , and carried her to the safe , dry grass a short distance away .
16 He lifted her then , in one swift movement , and carried her to the sofa , laying her back , murmuring her name over and over , kissing again , consuming her with a passion that thrilled and left Robyn weak and yet powerful all at the same time , because she could do this to him — she could make Luke Denner groan with desire and need .
17 She arched against him , unable to control the flames of desire leaping within her , then a gasp escaped her as he swept her into his arms and carried her to the double bed in her aunt 's room .
18 He picked her up and carried her into the front room .
19 Lifting her bodily from it , he scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the cottage .
20 Scooping her up in his arms , he carried her towards the front door , easily unlatched it , flicked a switch , kicked the door shut behind him , and carried her into the bedroom .
21 He swung her up into his arms and carried her over the threshold into the shadowy interior and beyond to the shuttered darkness of the bedroom .
22 He found her where she clung to a rope that was curled up in a corner of the iron ship and picked her up and carried her through a secret tunnel down through the floor of the ship , down through the underwater creatures , deep into the earth beneath the swirling sea .
23 His mouth brushed her lips and Robyn felt the strength of his arms as he scooped her up and carried her through the doorway .
24 He had picked her up and carried her from the flames .
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