Example sentences of "and end up at [art] " in BNC.

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1 We 'll make a hypothetical traverse from Easter Island on the East Pacific Rise ( an oceanic ridge , remember ) right across South America as far as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge , so we 'll be starting at one plate margin , crossing a second and ending up at a third , each of them , of course , marked by a major belt of seismic activity [ see Fig. 2 ] .
2 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
3 But this ruse gives a chance for Nestor and the gallery of small time crooks and pimps to be transported to Devil 's Island , an escape on a raft in a storm and end up at the North Pole for a sequence with a dancing penguin and a polar bear , to give the show a Christmas gloss .
4 She failed her eleven-plus and ended up at a local secondary modern school , which turned out to be a blessing in disguise .
5 She was out with a group of girls , you were with your friends , and you all had a happy evening together and ended up at a disco .
6 In July he was thrown out of his hostel and ended up at the Jews ’ Temporary Shelter in the East End .
7 It began as greed to steal and ended up at the point where they really were n't concerned about who they shot or why .
8 She wanted to spend as much time as possible with them and ended up at the other end of the plane . ’
9 I got up and went for a walk and ended up at the Bunker .
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