Example sentences of "and especially on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This Lenten time we focus our thoughts on the people of Africa and especially on the women and children of that Continent .
2 His lectures on the eye , the foetal circulation , and especially on the foot , would never , it was claimed , be forgotten by those who had the good fortune to hear him .
3 Will my hon. Friend congratulate Trafford area health authority and everyone involved in the hospitals there on the excellent job that they are doing and especially on the way in which they have brought down waiting lists ?
4 Just after Manning had come the agnostic Tyndall , talking about the identity of radiant heat and light ; and just before Stanley , the militant anti-christian W. K. Clifford had held forth on the education of the people , and especially on the importance of technical drawing .
5 Eliot produced a single page of notes from his pocket which he placed before him on the small table and brooded over for a while ; but when he started , he managed to pack in , during 45 minutes or so , a great deal of sound sense on the subject of drama and especially on the relation of drama to religion .
6 Yeah and especially on the fractions and the different types of fractions but you just find o found out what makes ninety have n't you ?
7 first , the existence of these private but non-fee-paying schools will have a deeply depressing , if not fatal , effect on other schools in the area , and especially on the science provision in those schools .
8 Look through the whole text , feel its atmosphere , decide how it can be shaped into a musical form , and then concentrate on the music , and especially on the melody .
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