Example sentences of "and [v-ing] himself [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How did you get on today — have you found a nanny to help you with the children ? ’ he added , throwing her into confusion by casually giving her a peck on the cheek before leaning across the table and helping himself to a slice of chocolate cake .
2 LUKE SAT ON AN expo love-seat in Club World at Heathrow , drinking Volvic and availing himself of a complimentary fax machine — clearing up the initial paperwork with Mike on the poem .
3 There he made a clean sweep with the past by changing his surname from Kaye to Kasmin and launching himself on a career as a poet .
4 As a teenager he signed for Rangers , winning a League Cup Winner 's medal at 17 , and establishing himself as a prominent newcomer in the Scotland Youth Team .
5 ‘ Come in , ’ he called in a low voice , expecting Clare , and steeling himself for a long and exhausting reconciliation .
6 He could not recall lurching like a drunk across the small room and throwing himself in a gibbering heap upon the bed .
7 Deep as a well , and for all his strength and prowess — for he could hold his own with any boy of his age , afoot or on horseback , when he chose — looking and bearing himself like a clerk , and sometimes even like a clerk in orders .
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