Example sentences of "and [vb pp] [prep] the ground " in BNC.

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1 The steward turned and spat on the ground .
2 The wave toppled , thrashed and boiled against the ground , but hardly advanced another step up the beach .
3 In places the accumulated plaster of years , too heavy to bear its own weight , had cracked and crumbled , and fallen to the ground before her brush like broken china .
4 Then waited , shivering , as the rain tipped off the brim of his top hat and spattered on the ground .
5 The shackles , the whip and the hoe , these emblems of slavery , lie broken and scattered on the ground ; while the plough , the sickle and the flail , emblematical of improved and free labour are conspicuously displayed .
6 The enormous edifice of presumed relationships built up from careful study of homologous structures , ( the supreme example is the study of bones in the skulls of reptiles ) may have to be re-examined , and if necessary dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up .
7 Rivers had overflowed their banks , sudden whirlwinds cut swathes through woodlands leaving a tangled pathway of mature trees savagely uprooted and torn upon the ground .
8 Taking hold of a strong branch , he finally cleared the escape hatch with his legs and dropped to the ground .
9 Finally Travis let himelf down by his arms and dropped to the ground .
10 It was so absorbed in its feast that it ignored the soft approach of the man who had treated it so kindly , and could do no more than scratch and struggle as it was grasped by the neck , and lifted from the ground , its belly exposed to the flashing steel blade of a fish knife .
11 Once this is achieved the flysheet is draped over and pegged to the ground .
12 Your bike acts as the tent 's main support pole — the open bellend is draped over the crossbar and pegged to the ground using four pegs .
13 Doreen Ditchburn , an eighty-three year old widow , was walking home when she was robbed by two attackers and pushed to the ground , breaking her leg .
14 The 28-year-old was walking along a footpath near Pendleton Road , Darlington , when the was jumped on from behind and pushed to the ground .
15 The chiefs of each detachment galloped up to the tent , dismounted and bowed to the ground before taking their places in the Empress 's circle , which grew larger every moment , a brilliant mass of gold and colour .
16 Recently I 'd been punched and kicked to the ground by a teacher because I called him a queer .
17 He was punched and kicked to the ground and stabbed three times in the back .
18 She was found by the caretaker , whimpering and exhausted on the ground floor of the east wing .
19 He was grabbed by a man wearing a black balaclava and pulled to the ground .
20 One aspect of his work is the application of radiesthesic coils ( a spiral of wire or copper attached to a stake and driven into the ground ) .
21 For 32-year-old Palestinian Jamal Fadda , accused of helping the hated Israelis , tha He is seized , above , left , by gunman Yasser Abu Samahdaneh in the Shabura camp and forced to the ground , centre , a gun to his head .
22 Others have been caught and left on the ground several hundred yards from a river .
23 I was raced forward , pushed back , spun around and thrown to the ground .
24 It could be picked up and thrown to the ground below , but this would be incredibly dangerous .
25 This was essentially a gentle action and it ensured that as little corn as possible would be shed and lost on the ground .
26 The investigation team said Mr Gower was probably attempting an emergency landing when the plane hit a tree and nose-dived to the ground .
27 The investigation team said Mr Gower was probably attempting an emergency landing when the plane hit a tree and nose-dived to the ground .
28 Coldingham New Church , relatively speaking , was built in 1220 , and burned to the ground in 1420 ; then that great knocker-about of buildings and castles , Cromwell , passed in the mid-seventeenth century and removed a wall , presumably to keep his troops in training .
29 When she did this , Ariel hugged her knees and rocked on the ground beside her , singing to herself charms against the spells of Sycorax : her antidote to the old woman 's venom , her hopes for a different life far away from the ferocious spirit of her crooked mother .
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