Example sentences of "and [vb past] themselves [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In some minutes the short hairs on the disc of the leaf began to bend , then the long hairs , and laid themselves on the insect .
2 They parked the vehicles and camouflaged themselves for the night , before settling down to cook .
3 But with the accession of Herod , Eisenman argues , most Sadducees — the Sadducees whom we know as such from biblical sources and from Josephus — betrayed their original loyalties and aligned themselves with the usurper .
4 They flittered down the stairs , Ginger Rogers a deux , and draped themselves round the nearest male , an elderly , pale faced banker — ‘ Allo , ’ they purred , ‘ 'Ow do you like sex ? ’
5 Everyone still standing , and that was at least half the passengers , did a little backwards dance and righted themselves by the simple expedient of taking hold of the person or object closest to them .
6 Pickets broke through the police lines and flung themselves into the road in an attempt to stop the vehicles .
7 They turned a corner and found themselves outside the cone shaped building .
8 They pushed through the door , and found themselves in a big general office .
9 They came out of a summer house or folly , or some such thing , and found themselves in the company of a servant girl who was out walking .
10 And it was here , after the house-warming party which began with hours of few arrivals and long silences , that she and Hugh had finished what was left of the Carafino and found themselves in the narrow bed in the basement where this dramatically argumentative child had been conceived .
11 The raiders smashed the front door panel of the garage shop and helped themselves from the cigarette shelves .
12 Many escaped to Gibraltar , joined the Allied armies and distinguished themselves in the fight against Hitler .
13 Hussa and the boy 's sister soon arrived from Al Ain and installed themselves in the adjoining bedrooms .
14 They also agreed to resume constitutional negotiations , suspended since June [ see p. 38948 ] , and committed themselves to the election of a constituent assembly and the inauguration of a non-racial transitional government as soon as possible .
15 Explaining why the authorities changed their mind and committed themselves to the transfer of land is a prime difficulty in the history of the emancipation .
16 They fell over each other to get to the door and tangled themselves into a knot of struggling limbs trying to get out of it .
17 When numbers of priestesses dressed in this way and danced themselves to a pitch of religious ecstasy , the sight must have inspired awe among the beholders .
18 They appeared to ignore him — and organized themselves with a secretariat of their own .
19 Entering the cafe , the Blackshirts went upstairs and showed themselves at the window , which provoked a hail of missiles from the crowd below .
20 Once again they turned their backs on the God who had brought them out of Egypt , and threw themselves into the arms of another .
21 Half running , half walking , they fled through the back garden , narrowly missing the Anderson , and threw themselves into the passage-way , the leaves swirling in after them .
22 Shots slammed into the walls inside the courtyard where the civilians cried and threw themselves on the ground .
23 The ethnic differences that emerged elsewhere in the USSR in the late 1980s were for the most part more traditional , almost ‘ tribal ’ in character , in that they sprang from antipathies between ethnic groups with different religious , linguistic and historical backgrounds and expressed themselves in the form of communal clashes rather than pressures for formal independence .
24 Its talons whipped out and embedded themselves into the boy 's skull , using the emptied eye sockets as a means of entry and Nuadu , narrowing his eyes against the dimness , saw that the talons were in fact hollow tubes , thin transparent bones .
25 They both laughed , and settled themselves in the open-plan sitting-room .
26 Pylons strode down from it , past a settlement and a water-tower on the plain due south of me and lost themselves in the haze to the west .
27 Then again they would just stand there , or squat down in the shade of a sand hill , their eyes fixed on the two endless parallels , following them out until they joined and lost themselves in the bush .
28 The roads leading to these houses are guarded to prevent the general species of mankind from entering ; and I felt a slight twinge of sorrow for these rich people who have isolated themselves in these strange colonies and deprived themselves of the society of humble and unpretentious men who add the savour to human society ; for it is only in such men that the real spirit of joy , and freedom resides .
29 Then they built a sand-castle with ramparts and a moat and turrets , and stopped off at a café on their way home and treated themselves to a delicious cream tea .
30 They shared the community 's commitment to education and saw themselves as the vanguard of it .
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