Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] top " in BNC.

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1 I tipped about half of the cash into the box and then took a couple of shirts from the second bag and laid them on top of the remaining cash .
2 He pulled the small plastic box free and laid it on top of the crate , fumbling in his jacket pocket for something .
3 With sudden inspiration and at the last moment , I stripped the big bed of its blanket and pillows and stuffed them on top of the suitcases .
4 She moved back against the pillow and drew me on top of her .
5 She brushed her mistress 's hair and piled it on top of her head in a cluster of curls , carefully and meticulously arranged to look quite casual .
6 ‘ Thanks , Rose , ’ he said and placed it on top of the radio .
7 Then she unzipped her handbag , took out the cassette and placed it on top of the envelope .
8 He took her gently by the waist and pulled her on top of him .
9 And hit her on top of the head .
10 It finished ( as a bowler ) the former Derbyshire player , Fred Swarbrook , who gave up the unequal struggle when , peering frantically around to see where a delivery had gone , he found out only when the ball dropped out of the stratosphere and hit him on top of the head .
11 Roll out the marzipan to a slightly smaller rectangle and lay it on top of pastry .
12 He looked round for the instrument and saw it on top of one of the presses .
13 and erm whatever you may need a stock and that and put sliced potatoes in it and some carrots and then on the top I 've put sliced potatoes and left them on top of the casserole , well later on when I came home I just took the lid off and stuck in the top of the oven instead
14 When Appio did not listen to her she would get angry , lift him like a feather and set him on top of a chest of drawers .
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