Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [vb past] themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am certain Lorentz and Fitzgerald regarded themselves as realists , interpreting the experiment on the speed of light in terms of Newtonian ideas of absolute space and absolute time .
2 Inevitably , he bowled relentlessly on , never looked like getting anywhere , and the last four wickets put on 183 as Marshall , Harper and Holding enjoyed themselves at almost five an over .
3 Jotan raced off into the darkness , and Alexei , Jehana and Arkhina busied themselves around the cart , inventive in the face of necessity .
4 After a while Harbury and Linda detached themselves from a group and carried their drinks over to join Rain .
5 While Raymond of Toulouse remained in Outremer , Stephen and Hugh disgraced themselves in escaping from the siege of Antioch , and Robert Curthose , no matter how gallant , at least in his lifetime failed to impress , Robert II 's prestige soared to the skies .
6 Mostyn and Cheadle humped themselves up the stairs , and crashed into the Silver Shuriken , guns discharging .
7 We talked a little more , while Terry and Tom prepared themselves for the inevitable angry reaction from the guards and Brian lay down under an extra blanket as his body came to terms with the shock of the beating .
8 Sonia and Helen flung themselves into my arms , to Joe 's great astonishment .
9 Over two hundred people from Garland Road and Felcourt formed themselves into teams of ten to pit their wits against each other in a trivial pursuits type quiz night .
10 But the overall Australian performance contained a number of false notes , and Messrs Sawle , Benaud ( J. ) , Higgs and Simpson extended themselves by dropping two from the squad , the doughty vice-captain Marsh and the toast of cricket a year ago , Mark Waugh .
11 In the settings of four aphoristic poems by Istvan Balint for soprano and 14 players — which Kurtag began in 1972 and recently revised — the outside influences declared themselves quite readily , whether they were from East European folk music or Webern : and in this performance , the soprano Adrienne Csengery and Sinfonietta excelled themselves with sudden flashes of colour and bursts of intense virtuosity .
12 This was precisely the situation in which Charles and Elizabeth found themselves in 1772 ; and we may surmise that they did what brother John was to do later — in the absence of Thomas the Calvinist , who had died just over a year previously , they honoured Charles 's elder brother William by making him the godfather and giving the child his Christian name .
13 When the introductions were complete , the Exec Director , the DDA , the DDI , Sorge and Nowak settled themselves round the small conference table .
14 Mitchell and White ran themselves into the ground and Nicky Summerbee tried everything he could to get a goal .
15 Both the Emperor Marcian and his wife Pulcheria played an active part in the meetings : Marcian and Leo found themselves at loggerheads not so much over the dogmatic formulation as over the disciplinary canons that were appended .
16 Both the Brut and the Chronicle of London commented on the youth of those who attended , and Gloucester , Arundel , Devon , Warenne and Huntingdon excused themselves on grounds of age and infirmity .
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