Example sentences of "and [pers pn] call [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She was a hard worker , and I call myself a hard worker and I know that some days I push myself too hard and my mother 's done that all her life .
2 And I call myself a businessman !
3 It seems to have a mind of its own , and I call it The Great One .
4 And you call me a bad driver . ’
5 I 've just made a huge investment in this station and you call it a stunt ? ’
6 Well you call it a run-on line and you call it an enjambement line to give it the French term .
7 The fact a small region , and we call ourselves a region , that 's how we got the grants , we now see ourselves developing to support our colleagues in and see the need for a strong regional approach which my colleague will mention later .
8 And we call it a day on these things .
9 Our Lady was seen by many people , and they call it the shrine of Our Lady of Carns .
10 The car of the future and they call it the ’ Urbanizer . ’
11 It used to be the south east midlands , now it 's classed as the south midlands but Bedford , twenty one miles along the road there , and they call it the south .
12 But because you 're still at school they think you 're dirty and disgusting and they call you a slag , but it could happen to then any day .
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