Example sentences of "and [pers pn] have [been] told " in BNC.

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1 I know I 'm too thin , I do n't like what I look like and I 've been told if I lose any more weight I 'll have to give up work and be admitted to hospital .
2 Fashanu said : ‘ It 's a trapped sciatic nerve and I 've been told to rest for about three weeks .
3 It was taken off me at Widnes , with Jonathan Davies doing most of the tactical kicking , and I 've been told it cost me a Great Britain tour chance .
4 My youngest daughter is four and I 've been told she 's got worms .
5 It is n't working out for me , I 've been told I 've got ta increase my payments to a hundred and one pounds fifty two a week for my two children from my previous marriage , and I 've been told by Social Security that the hundred and one pound fifty two a week will take my ex-wife and her husband off income support , so I will be keeping her family and their child .
6 But to Sophie 's intense mortification it was Dawn who arrived and said calmly , ‘ Robert has been called out to a difficult calving case and I 've been told to give you his apologies .
7 At Bilen I had often asked what happened to the Awash , curious to find out why this large river never reached the sea , and I had been told that it ended in a great lake at the foot of a mighty mountain called Goumarri in Aussa , where apparently there were many lakes , great forests and some cultivation .
8 ‘ It has been described to me as an isolated house in the midst of fields , through which are only rough and rutty waggon tracks , and I have been told too , that it is hidden from passers along the road by a dark grove of trees .
9 I know what I see when I look at the grass and I have been told that the colour is called ‘ green ’ .
10 And I have been told that as a baby I conformed to this pattern , in contrast to my first sister who was ‘ delicate ’ and my second sister who was ‘ placid ’ .
11 Upper Halling has its own team and in its early days this team played in the field opposite the Robin Hood , and I have been told of near carnivals on Sunday afternoons .
12 We have an energy-rich country and a massive trading balance , so why the hell are we importing electricity from France which I believe attracts the nuclear and importing coal from dubious sources and I have been told that some of that coal has been extracted by women and children , often in horrendously unsafe conditions .
13 We talk about ‘ god ’ sometimes here at home , and you have been told at school to sing hymns and say prayers to ‘ god ’ , and you hear ‘ god ’ spoken about on the radio and television , also your friends talk and argue about ‘ god ’ , but nobody at all will tell you who or what ‘ god ’ really is , and this is because ‘ god ’ is only imaginary just as fairies are .
14 There had been ‘ complications ’ and she 'd been told she could n't have children .
15 She feared often that it might not fill the House , but it was true and strong and she 'd been told it was pleasing .
16 The Senate wants to merge us into University College and we 've been told we 'll have to get rid of some of our staff — it may all be very neat and tidy for the bureaucrats , but it 's going to be absolutely disastrous for some people .
17 And we 've been told that we 'll only get between a nought and one point five percent increase at the most .
18 And I was hoping to cos I can quote you instances where people have trained in the health service , and they 've been told nineteen seventy four seventy five , when you complete your training , you 're not guaranteed a job in this health authority .
19 Erm , and they 've been told that we might not be making any appointment at all ?
20 If Leeds say it 's not something we can deal with here , this is the number you ring and they 've been told the wrong number that is a very bad impression and all the airports get calls constantly , as you know from B A days , so no matter what it 's about people will ring a local number , no matter whether it 's in two foot high capitals saying for enquiries ring this number
21 Erm the only thing is what does happen occasionally is somebody comes from the D S S offices and they 've been told , I need a B one .
22 Midday meal would be at 1230 hours , and they had been told they were excused duties for the remainder of the day .
23 The question they had to answer was quite simple , and they had been told by the seneschal that he had been told that it was an empirical question , not a purely theoretical one , though he had also said he found this difficult to believe , as even the mysterious powers and forces which moved the Wars themselves could not control such absolutes .
24 THE Ipswich Witches speedway team are currently tracking under strength sides — and they have been told it is Ipswich Town FC who are partly to blame .
25 From his point of view he had asked to go to see the gorillas and he had been told ‘ Yes ’ .
26 Well , in theory he was doing what he was supposed to do since this was the time of day he always spent with Katrine and he had been told not to vary the routine .
27 He had to wait until nine o'clock to telephone the garage , and he had been told they had no time that morning and would try to get down in the afternoon .
28 One , Martha Barratt , had been very noisy at times , and he had been told that she had been found with a knife in her bed .
29 The watchman had been schooled in security and he had been told not to open the door under any circumstances .
30 David had heard of the Wilikinses ' divorce there had been quite a lot about the circumstances surrounding it in the Birmingham Mail — and he had been told of a second , short-lived marriage .
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